Chapter 29

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Maya's POV

Riley was making me wear a blue knee-length dress. It had some floral detailing at the bottom and the material was really silky and soft.

I wasn't really a dress type of girl but I had to admit this one wasn't too bad. I curled my hair and pinned it up with bobby pins.

"You look great!" Riley sighed and played with my hair.

"So do you," I gave her a hug. "Thanks for lending me your dress."

It was Saturday evening and we were all gonna go for Jade's party. I only had two more days left here after this. My mum had gone back again, she said that she'd return tomorrow to come get me.

Riley and I left the room. She was wearing a black dress with fake white pearls on the collar. I noticed Farkle gaping at her when he saw her.

I smiled. Those two.

Lucas was standing by the door, looking impatient. "Took you girls long enough."

"Have fun!" Topanga said. "Be back by 10."

"We will," Farkle assured her.

"I want all of you to be careful with the people you talk to. Jade is turning 16, so she may have some older guys over for her party-"

"Mum," Riley rolled her eyes. "We know."

I laughed. If Cory had been here he would have given us a lecture before letting us go.

Jade's house wasn't too far away. Lucas was walking really fast and I ran to catch up with him.

"Hey," I said. "Why the rush?"

He shrugged. "The earlier we get there, the longer time we'll have to party."

"Party?" I raised my eyebrows and he smiled. He laced his fingers through mine and both of us went ahead, leaving Riley and Farkle behind.

She'd thank me for that later.

We reached Jade's house and went in. The door had been decorated and I had to admit, it looked pretty welcoming. I was greeted with the sight of people dancing happily in the middle and some hanging around the sides, watching.

It was dark but Jade had somehow managed to set up a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling. She even had a DJ. That girl was rich.

"Hey!" Jade came up to us. "Thanks for coming!"

"Here," Lucas pulled out a small box from his jeans pocket. "A small gift."

"Aw you didn't have to!" She giggled and took it from him. I could have sworn I saw their fingers touch over the box for too long.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I didn't even know that Lucas had gotten her a gift. He hadn't even mentioned it.

I was about to go in when Riley pulled me to the side.

"Maya! I think Farkle asked me out!"

I felt myself feeling. "I knew it. I knew that one day you too would-"

She cut me off. "He asked if I wanted to go to the pancake place for breakfast tomorrow."

"Well, you said yes right?"

"Yea," Riley scratched her arm. "But...what if he doesn't see it as a date and to him it's just us hanging out as friends?"

"Riley. He likes you," I assured her. "Now let's have some fun."

She smiled and we went in to the crowd of dancing teenagers, hand in hand.


Hope you guys like it!! Also, it's christmas eve!!

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