Chapter 6

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Maya's POV

It was beautiful and sunny when Riley and I returned. The clouds were white and fluffy.

"Let's do something. Go out somewhere." Farkle suggested.

It was already 11.30am by then. Topanga overheard him. "Well, you could go for a picnic for lunch or something."

Rowan smiled. "Sounds great!"

Lucas agreed. I said yes as well. There was nothing else to do anyway. Mr. Friar came down the stairs then.

"I'm going for a week," he told Lucas and Farkle. "I've some things to clear off at work, and then I'll bring your mother over too."

They hugged him goodbye. The Matthews' summer house was quite big. They had 5 bedrooms - one for Cory, Topanga and Emily, one for Riley and me, one for Farkle and Lucas, one for Auggie, and one guest room.

My mum had already gone back early this morning, before I woke up. She usually slept on the couch while she was here, unless the guest room wasn't occupied by Mr and Mrs Friar.

Riley and I helped Topanga to make ham and cheese sandwiches. Farkle prepared some lime juice to drink later. Lucas went to buy some chocolate eclairs from the little shop that the house opposite the street owned.

Once we had everything we needed, we set off. Riley was singing happily and I joined in.

It was only then we realized that we were walking arounf our house in circles.

"Where exactly are we going?" Farkle asked.

Riley stopped. "Oh. Right. Do you guys remember the park we went to when we were like 10?"

I felt a smile forming across my face. I loved that park. There was sand everywhere that we used to love playing in. There was also a swing set where we would push each other on.

"We're going there?" Farkle asked hopefully.

Riley nodded. "I figured out the way."

We left her house and started walking down the left path. We passed by many houses, some of which looked empty.

"That's where Gordon lived," Riley pointed to a house casually. She was blushing slightly. "He's only gonna be coming for the last 3 weeks of summer this year."

It took us around fifteen minutes to reach the park. Lucas and I hadn't exchanged a word the whole time. I didn't know if he was ignoring me or not. It was like we were trying to pretend that the past never happened.

The park had changed. It used to be filled with smiling kids with laughter in the air. The grass looked darker and litter was strewn about. The swing set still remained, although it was rather rusty. Most of the sand seemed to just have disappeared.

There were still a few people around though. They were either walking or exercising.

"What happened to this place?" I exclaimed.

"It got old," Lucas shrugged.

We found a nice shady spot under a huge tree and sat under it. We had sort of forgotten to take a picnic mat.

All of us ate till we were full. Farkle then lay down on the grass and Riley lay down beside him.

"The clear blue sky..." Farkle muttered before his eyes fluttered closed.

I got up and went over to the swing. I heard someone following me and I thought it was Riley. But when I turned around, it was actually Lucas.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I replied.

"Did the picnic?"

I nodded. Then there was an awkward silence between us. I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't know what to say.

"I remember when we used to play on this swing." Lucas spoke up.

"Yeah," I replied. "I miss those days."

"Do you...want to get on? I could push you," Lucas offered.

I hesitated. "It's really rusty."

And I had not really expected Lucas to be nice to me when I came here, but so far that was what he was doing.

Lucas' POV

Maya sat on the swing and I heaved it back to push her. It swung forward with a creak. I pushed harder, which was a mistake.

The swing went up with another creak and one of the chains broke, flinging Maya to the ground.


Hiii guys :) sorry for not updating in a while, but I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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