Chapter 26

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Lucas' POV

I didn't want Maya to go. If she went back to see her dad, she probably wouldn't return for the rest of the summer. When would I ever see her again then?

She'd come back from the hospital a while ago. Mrs. Hart came back with us. She was going to sleep in the guest room.

I know that Maya's dad is a very important figure in her life, but can't she just see him after the summer? I also knew that I was sounding extremely selfish right now.

I glanced at the clock on the wall above. 1.23am.

Farkle was asleep. There was no point lying here since I wasn't going to sleep anyway. I got up and left the door slightly ajar.

Seems like everyone else was asleep.

I made my way to the balcony on the second floor. I could see the beach from here. It was empty, there was not a soul to be seen.

"Lucas?" I turned around.

"Maya?" I smiled and she came over to where I was standing.

"Can't sleep?" She asked.

"Too busy thinking of you," I answered honestly. I looked at her cast. It hurt me to see her walking around with a cast.

We stood silently watching the stars for a while, my arm around her shoulder. It's moments like this that matter, those that I'll remember forever.

I looked down and Maya. She was so beautiful that looking at her gave me goosebumps. I placed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Maya turned to face me, her arm resting on the ledge of the balcony.

"I don't want to see my father," she said softly and I saw tears forming in her eyes. "I don't want to see him hurt my mum again."

I hugged her, although that sort of put us in an awkward position, since her arm was in a cast. But it didn't matter. She held on to me and sobbed and I held her even tighter.

"I don't think he's changed, Lucas. He's probably still the same guy he was last year. Why would he come back unless he just wants to hurt us again?"

I looked at her sad little face and wiped her tears away. Honestly all I wanted to do was to kiss her until all her sadness and sorrows were sucked away because it hurt me so much to see her upset. But I didn't think she was in the mood for kissing right now.

"I know you feel that way but he's still your father, Maya. Maybe he really does want another chance from you and your mum."

"Or maybe he doesn't. How can someone change in just a year?"

"It's possible. He is still the guy who took care of you for fourteen years, Maya. He's your DAD and he loves you."

She pulled away from me. "So you think I should go?"

No. I wanted to say. I didn't want her to leave. I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Well, you haven't seen him for over a year, what your heart tells you."

I knew that she knew that I didn't want her to go. I sighed.

"I have to ask you something." She spoke up all of a sudden.

This didn't sound too good. I really hope she wasn't gonna break up with me or something. Us getting back together was the highlight of my summer. I didn't want it to end so soon.

"Did you...did you write a letter about me and bury it in the backyard?"


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