Chapter 18

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Maya's POV

"I panicked!" Riley exclaimed when I asked her about Farkle. "I couldn't believe he was actually going to kiss me and I got scared so I backed out."

I shook my head. "Honey, you're an idiot."

Riley glared at me playfully. "I know."

"Farkle likes you."

"He didn't say that."

"He makes it obvious."

I saw her blushing. We were all going to the beach again today. It was 9am and the sky was beautiful dotted with fluffy white clouds. The perfect summer day.

Riley and I were already in our swimming costumes. The boys were waiting for us downstairs. I went down and was greeted with Emily sitting on the stairs with crayons in her hand.

She saw me and giggled. "Maya!"

Why would God make such a beautiful creature go through a surgery? I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's Riley?" Farkle asked.

"Coming!" She called from above.

I knew Lucas was staring at me. I could see from the corner of my eyes. Should I turn around and catch him off guard? Nah, I'll just let him stare.

Riley ran down the stairs and picked Emily up, making her laugh and squeal. We called out goodbyes to Topanga and left. Cory and Auggie had gone to town.

The beach was pretty crowded today. We found a spot to keep out mat and our stuff. Topanga had packed us some food. The boys ran charging into the water while me and Riley dawdled behind.

The minute the water hit me, I kind of lost it and ran in as well, laughing because it was a happy happy day.

Riley had brought a beach ball and the four of us threw it around until we got bored and wanted to swim.

Lucas went farther and farther out into sea. I decided to follow him. I was nearly as good as him anyway.

I left Riley and Farkle alone and made continuous strokes until I reached Lucas.

"Oh hey Maya," he smiled. "Shouldn't you be over there, near the shore?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Lucas we both know that I'm nearly as good as you. Well I was better than you two years ago, anyway."

Lucas smirked. "You sure?"


Lucas moved closer to me. "Can you prove it?"

I suggested a race. Lucas and I got ready and began. I swam as fast as I could but I knew that he was ahead of me. I tried to get all the energy I could and kind of just propelled myself forward. Yes, I was ahead of him now. But Lucas caught up to me and we ended up reaching the finishing point at the same time.

We cheered and somehow, Lucas was right next to me. He was looking at me again. I looked back up at him.

His face was so near. This was my chance. I knew I wanted to.

I pushed myself onto him, placing my hand on his bare chest. Lucas bent his head and we leaned in at the same time.

It wasn't a brief kiss. I never wanted to pull away from Lucas. His soft, sweet lips were something that you could get addicted to. Lucas' hands were on my waist and then I jumped, wrapping my legs around him.

He held my legs and I felt his hair as he kissed me again and it was so slow and passionate that I wanted to freeze this moment forever.


And I'm so sorry for updating this late , I hadn't been on watpadd for a while.

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