Chapter 13

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Maya's POV

When I woke up the next morning I found myself on my own bed, beside Riley's. That was strange, since I remembered being with Lucas yesterday night.

"Riley, I don't remember sleeping here yesterday night," I scratched my head.

She stretched out her arms. "Oh yeah, Lucas carried you here since you fell asleep there."


He carried me here? I knew I was blushing. I knew Riley saw it as well.

"Maya,, I've something to tell you."

"Mmhmm," I nodded.

"I think I like Farkle." Riley smiled sheepishly.

"What?!" I gasped. "FARKLE?"

"Shhh!" Riley panicked. "Yes. Yes I do. He's actually quite cute, don't you think?"

No, I didn't think so.

Riley and I got up and went to brush before we headed down for breakfast. There was nothing on the table. We went into the kitchen.

Lucas was inside.

"Where's Mum?" Riley asked.

Lucas looked up. "Your parents took Emily to the hospital. She has rashes all over her legs and arms and a slight fever."

Riley gasped. "When?"

"They left at about 4. And there was a note on the table asking me to prepare breakfast. Don't worry, she'll be okay."

Riley nodded and went out to wake Auggie up. I stayed in the kitchen.

"Do you need help?" I asked Lucas. He was in the middle of frying an omelette.

"Actually, yes," he said. "Could you chop some more onions for me? Oh and there's some ham in the fridge too."

I nodded and went to open the fridge.

"So did you sleep well last night?" Lucas asked.

I nodded again. "Yeah."

I got the ham out and found an onion as well. I started chopping it up. My eyes hurt. Stupid onion.

I slid the chopped up onion on the cutting board to Lucas while I fried the ham.

He added it into his egg mixture for the next omelette. The one he had just made smelt great.

He tore a tiny piece of it and gave it to me. I tasted it.

"Not bad," I smiled.

Lucas POV

"Thanks," I grinned. When the ham was done I cut it up and started on the next omelette. Maya stood to a side and watched.

"Remember that summer when we tried to make burgers and my patty was undercooked so I stole yours?" Maya said.

I laughed. That was four years ago.

All my summers as far as I remembered had been spent with these people. There were so many memories that I knew that I'd never forget.

"What about your job?" Maya suddenly spoke up. "At the bakery?"

"Oh. Yeah. I'm going check it out today." I said. "Wanna come along?"



Thanks for reading x :)

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