Chapter 37 (last chapter)

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Maya's POV

I watched my mum get into the car, looking back at me one more time.

"Are you sure about this honey?"

I nodded. I was not leaving until summer was over and I had made up my mind about it. Lucas squeezed my hand beside me and I squeezed his back.

Mum started the car and she pulled out of the driveway as we all waved at her. As the car sped off, I watched it become smaller and smaller while it went down the street. I knew she was pissed off about me not going back to see my father. But it was my choice and she couldn't force me to come if I didn't want to. And she knew that.

After all, there were still 3 weeks of summer left and I wasn't going to spend it cooped up back home with my dad while my mum went to work. So yes, I had decided to stay here.

I turned around to go back in but I was pulled back by Lucas, who leaned down and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For everything," he whispered, without breaking eye contact. In simply three weeks, we'd gone through so much and I knew that in the remaining three weeks I had left here, we'd go through so much more.

Three weeks was a short time but as I looked around me I realised that spending it with the people I love would make it worth it. I was lucky, indeed I was. Lucky to be spending these 6 weeks of summer here with my best friends. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. And sure enough, I would definitely miss them once I leave, once summer is over.

But I know that no matter how long we go without seeing each other, once we come back every year, everything is still the same and nothing could ever change that.

"Beach?" Farkle suggested and we agreed. It was already 6 and if we got there now we'd be able to witness a beautiful sunset.

And as I stood there watching it, with Lucas' hand interlocked in mine, I suddenly remembered something.

"Remember when you asked me if I think we'll be together forever?" I turned to him.


"I don't believe in forever, Lucas. But one thing I do know is that we're together now and I don't think I've ever felt this happy all my life."

And as we shared a kiss so sweet while the sun was trying to prise the last of its amber limbs over the rooftops, I realised it was moments like these that meant the most, those that I'd remember forever.

And then we watched the sky being dyed pomegranate pink, our hands still interlocked. Together. Be it forever or not, we were together now and that's all that matters.


AAAAND that's a wrap. It took me ages to complete this book as I was so busy with school and sometimes I just forgot all about wattpadd completely.

But this was such a fun book to write and I love reading comments about it so please do continue doing so!!

And lastly, thank you to every single person who has bothered to read this book and vote for it. I didn't even think I would get a thousand views when I first started.


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