Chapter 30

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Maya's POV

I'd been dancing with Riley and Farkle for a while and I was getting thirsty. Lucas had somehow sorta disappeared.

"I'm gonna get something to drink," I said and left both of them alone before Riley could insist on coming with me.

There was a cute guy standing near the table where they had drinks. He had shaggy brown hair and blue eyes.

"What would you like?" He asked and winked at me. I smiled. He looked about 16.

"Is there any root beer?"

"Root beer?" He rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't an amazingly hot girl like you want something more strong? Here, try this." He mixed something from two bottles into a plastic cup and gave it to me.

I hesitated but he urged me to try it. So I did.

I coughed and splutered. It burnt like hell going down my throat.

"Hey, are you okay?" He handed me a glass of water.

I gulped the water down. "What the hell did you give me to drink?"

He laughed. "Chill. It was just a bit of vodka mixed with something else."

I had to resist my jaw from hanging open. Vodka? Jade was serving alcohol here?

"Anyway, I'm Ethan." He held out his hand. "And you must be?"

"Maya," I answered.

"Nice name," he smiled and rubbed his hand over mine. I pulled mine away. I had to go find Lucas. He'd been missing for long enough.

Ethan yelled his number out to me before I went to scan the dance floor. I didn't quite catch it. Not as if I was interested anyway.

Lucas clearly wasn't here. I went into the kitchen but all I saw was a bunch of girls giggling and gossiping in a corner. And some socially awkward people standing near the backdoor, probably wishing they could leave.

I pushed my way out, thinking that perhaps Lucas was outside. He was nowhere to be seen.

I went back inside and Ethan called out to me again. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yea," I answered. "My boyfriend."

Ethan looked disappointed. " have a boyfriend?"

I smiled and nodded before waving at him and going back into the dance floor. I squeezed my way back to Farkle and Riley.

Just as I reached them, a slow song came on. Great.

Riley and Farkle paired up and so did a lot of people around. I probably looked like an idiot standing in the middle of the dance floor without anyone to dance with.

I went over to the side and took out my phone and dialed Lucas. It went straight to voicemail.

"Still no sign of him?" I turned around and Ethan had come up behind me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to be serving drinks?"

"Nah, I asked my brother to take over. Would you care to dance?"

"Well," I pointed at my phone. "I'm sort of trying to figure out where my boyfriend is."

Ethan shrugged. "Have you looked upstairs?"

"No..." I answered. Why would he be upstairs anyway? But I guess there was no harm in checking. I made my way to the stairs just as the slow song ended.

It was really quiet on the second floor. The hallway light was on though, and I could see that some of the rooms had people in them because of the light cracks underneath the doors.

I peeked into the first one since it was ajar. There was no one inside. I wonder why the light was on then. People these days don't know how to save electricity.

The second door was closed so I knocked. "Anyone there?"

I heard stumbling and whispers from inside. Had someone fallen?

I pushed the door open.

I gasped.

I'd found Lucas. And unexpectedly, Jade as well.


Don't know if you guys have noticed butI changed the book's cover!! Do you like it?

I had actually wanted to complete this book by the end of the year but there's still around 8 more chapters to go :/

Please comment!!

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