Chapter 5

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* Flashback *

Maya's POV

I left the house to clear my head. I had so much on my mind, I didn't know what to do. Lucas was my boyfriend. And Fred...I didn't even know what he was.

Or what he was trying to be.

I knew that Fred liked me. He had actually made it pretty obvious. And Lucas knew as well. Which is why he made it very clear to Fred that I was not available.

"Maya! Wait!" I slowed down and turned around.


Just great.

"Fred, I, um...I'm in a hurry." I mumbled a lame excuse and tried to walk away.

"Where to?" He challenged.

"The beach," I said. I was a good lier, I just had to look straight into his eyes.

His lovely hazel eyes.

"What would you be doing on the beach at 6pm?" He pointed to his watch.

I shook myself. "I...seriously, Fred, leave me alone, okay?"

He blocked my way. "No. I want you."

"Well, I'm taken!" I snapped. Fred was 15. I don't know what he saw in a thirteen-year-old like me.

"Maya." He grabbed my hand. I tried to pry it away but he was strong.

"Fred, let me go!"

I stumbled backwards on a rock and I felt myself falling down, down, down...

I screamed and tried to grab onto something.

Fred reached out his arm and caught me before I fell. But I ended up on the soft green grass anyway, with Fred above me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. Both his hands were holding mine and our legs were tangled.

The next thing I knew, we were kissing. I didn't break the kiss. I didn't pull away. I just lay there, with Fred's lips on mine, like it wasn't a problem.

I had no idea how long we were kissing for. But I guess Fred must really like me as he was in no hurry to stop the kiss.

And I found myself enjoying it. His lips were so soft, and they tasted of the ocean.

When Fred and I finally broke the kiss, I found myself smiling.

He helped me up. "That was something."

I was starting to feel incredibly guilty. I had to go back. I turned around to head back to the house, and saw Lucas. My heart dropped.

Oh my god. He had seen us. He had seen everything.

Lucas' face had hurt written all over it. His eyes...they were questioning. Questioning me, why? Why did I do that to him?

He turned around and I watched him climb up the stairs to go back inside the house. I didn't go after him.

What would I say? That I could explain? Because I couldn't.

I'd let him down. I'd broken his heart. And it was hurting me as well, knowing what a terrible person I was.

* End of Flashback *


Sorry for the short chapter, this is a flashback chapter.

So now you know how Maya hurt Lucas :(

Hope you like the book so far!

Thanks for reading!

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