Chapter 36

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Maya's POV

Riley nearly jumped on me the moment I stepped into the room.

"Oh my God, Maya are you okay? Farkle and I looked everywhere and we-"

"I've had a rough night Riles, I just want to sleep," I cut her off and moved over to my bed in the darkness. I felt damp and sticky and I really needed a shower.

Riley nodded understandingly and then came forward to give me a hug.

"I know it's hard," she whispered into my ear and I nodded, blinking my eyes rapidly to prevent the tears from falling.

"You love him, don't you?" She asked and I nodded again, holding her tighter.

I didn't want to leave. My dad hated the fact that I always went away for the summer. Since he's back now, he probably wouldn't let me come here next year. I knew my dad was important in my life. But I hated him. Not even a tiny bit of me felt anything even close to love for him. He was horrible to me and my mum and I knew we didn't deserve it, I knew she didn't deserve to get hit all the time and I knew I didn't deserve to be crying at the corner of my room every night because of him.

My family was extremely screwed up.

But Lucas? He was the first boy I ever fell in love with. Two years ago. We were young and naive but it was love, and I felt it. I'd felt it then and I still feel it now. Letting him go the first time was the stupidest thing I ever did. I didn't want to make that mistake again.

I opened my eyes and Riley let go. She smiled at my tear-stained face and I laughed, thinking of how much of a mess I looked like right now.

"I'll miss you, Maya. But I'm glad you came back this year."

I shook my head. "I'm not going."


"I hate my dad Riley, I'm not going to go back to him."

"Maya, your dad-"

"He can't control me Riles. He can't ship my mum and me to another state whenever he feels like it and treat us like shit. I'm not going to listen to him. I don't care. I'm staying till the end of summer, and then I'm going to convince Mum to move. Far away from him."

Riley was silent once I was done. I sighed and ran my fingers through the bird's nest on my head.

"And I love Lucas," I said, my voice cracking a little. "And I love you, and Farkle and your family. You guys are the closest thing I have to a family, after my mother."

I grabbed a random t shirt from my drawer and a pair of shorts I'd worn earlier in the day and crept to the bathroom.

I showerd, shampooed and conditioned my hair and dried myself once I was done. I felt so much better.

I passed by Farkle's and Lucas' room on my way back and peeked in. Farkle was sound asleep but Lucas' bed was empty. I frowned.

He was probably taking a shower in the toilet downstairs. Yeah, that was probably what he was doing.

I crawled into bed and whispered goodnight to Riley before switching off the lamp on the bedside table.

I wasn't going to leave. I was staying.

Lucas and I could still be together.


I told you I'd try to update at least once a week and I did! :-) yay!!!!

I hope you guys like it. And meanwhile, I'm just gonna stay here and procrastinate on my geography homework.

;-) x

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