File 14 Male Reader x Yandere Alien

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P.Fella;Ahh back to normal anyways Weekend and that means 2 per day so let's start this because im Back in business!!!


Guard 1:Move along you law disrupter!

[y]:I only waved at her i didn't knew it was a war sign!!!

Guard 2:Don't try to escape from this you filthy animal for your crimes you will be put with the most dangerous being in this prision!

[y];Can you at least tell me where am i?

Guard 2:Welcome to Irongate Space's Maximum security prison..

[y]:For the love of god!

They pushed me inside a jailcell and turnad on a light beam wall if i tried to touch it i would be burned

[y]:Damn..arrested for nothing!

???;That's what they all say...

A female voice came from behind me i turned around and saw a pretty woman with a blue skin and green hair also the glowy yellow eyes that i could tell she was wearing a orange detent outfit just like me but besides her apearences she is the most dangerous person in this prision?

[y]:Well may i ask your name miss?

???;Pepole call me murderer others the devil but you can call me Taliana...

[y]; [y] nice to meet you Tali..


[y]:A nickname for you what? you not into nicknames?

Tali:No is one gave me a cute nickname...

She was blushing? well i kinda broke the most dangerous person in here...

Tali:But don't call me that in front of others!

She pinned me in a wall and had the most devious stare that i saw

[y]:Im sorry Tali i won't call you like that...

Tali:Well you kinda interesting one i need to tell if you keep this up you may live long enough to see the me again!

She said in a happy yet scary tone

[y];Well in thankful to that...

Guard 2 :Lights out!

The lights were turned off and i sat down trying to get some sleep there was only one bed in the cell and Tali was on it

[y]:Well i guess i take the floor...

Tali:Nuh uh here...

She pated a spot beside her what the fudge? now i was confused we met like for 5 minutes and she wants me to sleep with her?

[y] not su-

Tali:You come here or you die got it?

[y]:Yes i got it

I layed down beside her with my back to her...

Tali:Face me man...

I spun around and now was facing her i was unconfortable with her glare at me

Tali:Well good night..

[y]:Good...Night...i guess...

#Timeskip# Breakfeast

That was the most bizarre night that i ever had....i was wondering around when i bumped into someone that imdeatly recognised

[y]:Is that you Robbie?

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