File 80 Last Male x Yandere World

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P.Fella: Well yeah...this is gonna be fun and random to write also sorry for the late update I got caught by some school work so yeah!


Planet earth a place once full of joy and happiness now it's a War zone a hunting place for the woman searching for one prey a Man literally A MALE there was plenty of males on earth but recently a virus that affects only males spread around and did they start to die name of the virus? D-Virus because it affects only males reproduction system and kills them...but! not everything is lost....there's a survivor his name is [y] [L] he's immune to the virus his currently hiding from the angry females Who want to have his babies.

[y]'s P.O.V

I was in a bunker somewhere in Europe hiding from the woman...they are crazy! I almost got caught last time I went to town to get food... believe it or not but being the last man standing isn't easy! especially if I'm being pursued by more than 2 Billion women! and that's only 16 to 40!

[y]: Man...I'm only in my 18's and I'm already this famous?. .*Sigh*...I need food...again 

I grabbed my clothes ever since I began to be pursued I was crossdressing as a girl so I could blend in

[y]: okay...I'm looking pretty today....hahaha...I hope I survive this day...

I left towards the nearest town to buy food and supplies as I walked through the town I noticed the posters of the organization ManHunt it was the organization created to hunt me down their leader Ms. Marshall was on the command of the

the operation I managed to escape them a bunch of times In Hawaii when they ambushed me in the USA Brazil Japan yeah I traveled a Lot thanks to my personal Yacht that I managed to rob from a rich girl in Hawaii

[y]: They sure want me makes me wonder what would happen if they ever caught me...

I entered the market and began to grab stuff for me and put it in the cart until a woman spoke to me...

???: do eat a lot...

[y]:*girl voice* Ye-yeah...I'm a really hungry girl...

???: Indeed you are an oddly hairy woman...

I paid off and left towards my base I looked

over to see nonother than Ms. Marshall herself in a checkup point...they had these all over the

the place they would stop and grab the crotch of the woman to see if they were really women...

[y]: Oh no I need to go another way...

???: Hey you! stop there...

I slowly turned around looking at Ms. Marshall looking at me with her arms crossed...

[y]:*Girl voice*Ye-yes? Mistress?

Marshall: Come here all women must do the checkup!

I dropped my head in defeat and walked over to the place a soldier came by and began to touch

me around...

Solider: Quite muscular....cute face.....some really small boobs......OwO.....what is this?.... My god, it's so big!.....what is this? girl?

[y]:*Girl voice* um Um...i-i

Solider: Why are you sluttering? way...RED ALERT!!! WE FOUND THE MALE!!!

I Vaulted over the bars and began to run off while taking off the clothes I had my normal clothes under it so it was fine...

[y]: Man I need to find my place and run away from this country!

Solider; Don't let him escape!

I continued to run as more and more women joined in the run and some tried to grab me thanks for a lot of training I was able to do parkour around...

[y]: Man just leave me alone!!!

???: Let it happen Minamore!

???: Yeah we Will treat you well!

I Vaulted over a chair and trash bins also climbed a few Walls so I could get away from them a bit but it's hard to lose them when there are so many of them like an f5cking zombie apocalypse!

[y]: This day can become better?

I continued running until I reached some crossed roads ad, of course, they have to be soldiers I was about to run in a different direction before more cars and helicopters appeared then guns clocking...

Solider: Male we got you now don't move or we Will shoot! At your knees!

I slowly placed bot my hands above my head and kneeled the soldiers came by and handcuffed me

Solider: We got you now...

[y]: No way girl no way...

Marshall:l knew I would find you someday... I looked in front of me to see Ms. Marshall smirking

[Y]: Well....ta-dah!

Marshall: Now I got you...bring him over to the base!

The soldiers put me in a truck and began to drive

off I was in the back with like 6 other women this ain't gonna end well...


Being around so many girls in one truck wasn't normal...

Solider:l can't wait to see this big rod here...

She was rubbing me like the others I was blushing and looking away...the truck stopped and the back doors were open

Marshall: My still alive? I thought they would already rape you by now...

She pulled me out and began to take me to her office I saw more women Who were training staring at me...

MArshall: You got their interest to hope you are ready...

[y]: ready for what?

Marshall: Ready to pleasure all the girls in the world!

[Y]: Ono...

Marshall: Oh yes there gonna be Lines in the base so they can have one round with you... god!

Marshall; But for now...

She pushed me into a bed

Marshall: Hope you ready for a general...


P.Fella: Random short but hey my brother requested it so yeah! I need to do it see you guys next file bye! 

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