File 34 Male Reader x Yandere PowerGirl

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P.Fella:Hey again! so let's start wit our favorite superhero wich one was difficult to find a normal photo and when i say normal i mean a non rule 34 of it!


I was walking around the hall of justice i was a janitor of the place and i get to meet a lot of heros i got to know Clark and Bruce and some more but when i met Karen Star a female version of superman like seriously she had his and her became really close friends everytime she would finish a mission she would come find me to talk to me...she said it relased her stress...right now i was cleaning the veichles in the hangar..when Superman appeared..

Superman:Hey [y]!

[y]:Super super how are you?

Superman:Im fine...look have you been looking a bit more agressive?

[y]:what do you mean?

Superman;Like last time you were shouting...

[y]:Oh's strange...i never acts like this when you guys are around me...

Superman:Oh well stay alert and let us know if anything happen ok?


I was at the cargo plane cleaning when i heard shoting and then the wall was busted open by Lex Luthor in a armor..


Lex looked at me and grabbed me by the throat trying to chocke me...

Lex:So Justice league what do you think i have a hostage! and if you come one step closer i'll snap his neck!


I was pissed off Lex just messed the floor!

[y]:You f&cking retard do you know how long i've working here!

Lex:What? haha it doesn't matter when you're dead!

[y]:get your hands off me...

Lex:okay then i don't need you anymore...hngh!...what?

He tried to snap my neck but it wouldn't bulge...

Lex:What the? why you aren't dying you stupid human!??

[y]:Im not..human...get your filthy hands of my NECK!!!!

I Grabbed his mechanical hand and ripped it off it's robot armor

Lex:Ahrg!! what the?

I got into battle stance and moved my hand to my waist as i was holding something...


He fired rockets at me i smirked then Pulled my sword and sliced the missles away...

Lex:What how? you're supposed to be a janitor...

[y]:But i have my*Demonic voice* Feel the rage of olympus!!

I pulled the blade of olympus and sliced his robot arm and legs...

Lex:Oh no..

I pointed my sword at him and charged the lightning

Lex:No no way!

He pressed a button and his chest opened to reveal kryptonite i was exposed to it..

[y]:Do you think im a kryptonian?...that doesn't have effect on me!

I impaled the sword in his armor and blew him away to the wall he passed out..


I looked behind me to see the justice league mouth open...


After that they gave me a place in the justice league and i started going on missions..they paired me up with Karen star to go in missions she was more than happy...right now we were after Lobo he was destroying stealing planets lives..

[y]:Do you think we are gonna find him here

PowerGirl:Of course he last signal was here then you can take me on a date!

[y]:Um...i don't know about the date but if you say so...

I glanced around the place and saw a bike and a big guy...i think it was him..

PowerGirl:There he is let's go!

We moved on to him and he turned around to face us you are PowerGirl...and who are this guy? your boyfriend?

She blushed at this

[y]:Nope just a guy who's gonna kick your butt!

Lobo:I would love to see you try!

He threw a punch at me and i grabbed it

Lobo:Quite the strong one...but not enough!

He punched me and slammed me to the ground he jumoed on me and started stomping on me..until he got punched away by an Beserk powergirl...


She started punching him nonstop and punches him into our spaceship destroying it...this is gonna take a while..

#One @$$ whooping later#

She finnaly got tired and glanced over to Lobo to see that his head was smashed like a panckake...

PowerGirl:Well at least you won't hurt pepole anymore...[y]!

She ran to me where i was coughing a bit of blood...

PowerGirl:How he hurt you?

[y]:My spirit shield was down...i took a direct hit...*cough*

PowerGirl:i need to take you back to the Hall...

[y]:That would be aprecciated..

She picked me up and sat me on the bike...she sat in front of me...

[y]:I don't think i can hold in...

PowerGirl:Then hold in me..

I held her and rested my chin in her shoulder...i began to fall asleep...


I slowly woke up to see i was in a bedroom...i tried to move but my hands were chained to a wall..

PowerGirl:it's good to see you're awake...

[y]:Karen! take me off this chains please!

Karen:Oh no no darling you would run away and i have this after all

She locked a collar in my neck..

[y]:what is this?

Karen:Just a little device to make you love me!

She pressed a button and i felt a shock in my neck!

Karen:Everytime you disobey me this little thing will shock you...

[y]:You are ins-*Shock* argh!'s make love to eachother...


She removed her suit revealing her big breasts making me look away...

Karen:No need to be shy..oh this guy is not shy~

#Timeskip# 6 Rounds Later...

I was dried out...i felt used...

[y]:i don't feel okay...

Karen:Don't worry it will be better tomorrow but now..we will be together forever...

[y]:*Sigh* i have a choice?

Karen:No you don't unless you wanna go a few more rounds?

[y]:No god no!


P.Fella:My friends it was tiring but i did but there still one more for me to do...*Sigh* see you guys in a few hours..

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