File 119 War Racer x Yandere Rival

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Rodri: Have you guys ever wondered on about how'd be to drive on a empty road at night? Nothing but you, the road, and the lights passing by? I think that everytime I look outside. Dad used to give me the wheel so I could practice, we would drive by this bridge on the way back and I think to myself if I should tip the wheel a little to the right and just tumble down. But I never done that because dad was beside me, I couldn't do that to him. Maybe when I'm alone, I might...


Being a War racer was not get in cars Fight for your life in many gamemodes and hope to get out with at least your body parts in place..for me? that was ok... i was the deadliest guy in all Arena War My kill count was on the top of the scoreboard on the name of [N/n] With my car the WonderLand it was a Mustang GT500 fully modified to hold the apocalipse itself.. (You know that mustang from Death race? yeah that movie where Jason Statham acted in? just like that) it was fast it had defense and i loved it..

[y]:Hey Default hows going?

Default was my mechanic he was the man who put my car ready to battle everysingle time..

Default:Hey man im good throw me that wrench over there?

[y]:Okay there you go..

I threw the wrench to him and he goes back to messing around with the parts of the car while i drink a bit of diet soda...

Default:Hey [y] had you took a look in the kill count?

[y]:Yeah as always im in first....what bothers you so much?

Default;The second place my's been changing a lot..

[y]:I saw that...

Default:But it stopped now...the one who took that place is MissReaper..

[y]:I know her...i saw her races....she is in command of the HoundReactor..

Default;Yes that girl she's been killing a lot lately..

[y];You think she's a treat?

Default:Maybe not now because she needs to win one more race to reach your category..

[y]:I see and we are about to find out if she's gonna live or die..

I looked into the window to see the actual race...

[y]:Carnage...just killing...let's see..

There was 3 more racers on the line RoadRog HiroCar and HoundReactor..

[y]: 3 car categories one fast one strong and one fast medium..let's see..

RoadRog was a 6 ton truck with armour to the core of it...HiroCar was an A208 a fast car with light armour and well HoundReactor had a bit of both..

Narrator's P.O.V

Nar;There's only 3 left let's see wo will win this one..

Comentary:You see that was a great fight you saw HiroCar vs Dreadly...they went for a bit of race around but Hiro managed to pull it off using those barrels to explode Dreadly to pieces...

Nar;We all saw that and RoadRpg is going straight on Hound she's running away while Hiro keeps tail in both..

Com:You need to be careful with strike of that truck and Hiro will be in pieces...

Nar:Maybe he has a plan... Rog keeps a tail behind Hound Hiro is coming from behind....look at Hiro he's using the Ram of his car to lift up the back of Rods truck!....Rod is losing control!

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