File 151 Yandere Phyrra & Nora End

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Rodriguez:Hey there! im here ^_^ sorry for the lack of updates i've been preparing for! anyway let's end this series and the universe male reader too don't you worry! i'll try to make more stories around. since i got a bit of a pause of my works enough of that let's move in the story!

Rodri: I feel like shit.

-2 Months Later

Vale was under a lockdown ever since Grimm started attacking more and more The beacon was with the defenses high up and General Ironwood has been going batshit crazy for losing his men on several well made assaults at Atlas...

[y];What is this bullshit?....why this is happening?

Ruby:[y]..don't worry about that...i know what an make you feel better...


She turned around and i heard munching...then she turned back to me holding a cookie in her mouth giving me a puppy stare...

[y]:You...really know how to make me feel better..

Ruby:*Bit muffled* What are you waiting for? grab the cookie!


I leaned in close and bit the cookie and took it away from her...

Ruby:*Blushing*..Um...... *Pulls a bag of Cookies and begins eating*

[y]:You ok?


[y]:You are a nice and strange person Ruby...!'s Cardin doing?

[y]: You won't belive this Cardin and Velvet are going out.

Ruby:*gasp* No Way!

[y]:It's true....I saw them dating in Vale for about 3 weeks they look happy...

Ruby:Looks like Cardin finnaly found a way to be a good person...

[y];it makes me wonder what would had happened if i punched him....

Ruby;Maybe he would be the same dick as always...just..not in The beacon...

[y]:It makes sense..... Hm?

Coco:Guys!! i need to tell you something!!

Ruby:You look excited what is going on?

Coco:ls.. Velvet...she' have to see it!

We followed Coco back to her team's dorm and entered to see Velvet sitting on side of the bed...

Ruby:Is everything ok Velvet?

Velvet:Where is Cardin?...

Cardin:Here!!*comes running down the hall* Im here for the rescuee! *Trips and falls crossing the doorway*

Ruby: ...

Coco; ^_^


[y]: '-'

Cardin:*Comes back stumbling* Im here! what is going on? it...

[y];Show what?

Velvet pulled a...a....pregnancy test?!!

Velvet;im pregnant...and Cardin..... You are the father..

Cardin:0_0... *Slowly back up*

WOAH WOAH Hold it ok, I know it's a bit weird we see the bully Cardin and Velvet being a happy couple, but it's my universe and in this place the only evil ones are the obvious ones...

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