File 143 Male reader x Yandere Fem. Snake

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P.Fella:So...Yeah..sorry for not updating in the past 5 days.....I've been either lazy or....Ocupied a lot with forgive me for not updating in a while.....oh and that Finale?...hehe...wait up a bit....

Rodri: Oh the time where I used to have fun while playing games, and it wasn't just grind FIFA and GTA.


[y]'s Diary

I would be assigned to a new team....i were working with the Team 6 for about 8 months...and now i was going to be transferred to this new group...i did not knew much about it instead i knew that Solid Snake was there.....she was the only famous person i knew from the special ops...

[y]:So this is the HQ from the special Ops...

I walked down in the halls looking for someone to give me a direction...I spent some time leaned against a wall until...

???;hey you are [y]?

[y];yes that's me...

???:Raiden nice to meet you...

[y]:It's a satisfaction...

Raiden;So..[y] you were transfered from team 6 to here...

[y]:yes..kinda after one of our team mates crashed a jet into our HQ...


[y]:It's fine...SO..

Raiden,We've been wondering if you could do a test...

[y]:A test?

Raiden:yes....just a bit shoot out...

He took me to a shooting stand and there was a Woman with a brown hair and a eyepatch shooting at some targets with a silenced pistol....

Raiden;That's Solider Snake.... Please miss Snake...

She turned her attention to me..and stod still for a couple seconds...

Raiden;This is [y] Snake, he will be assigned to help you out...

She walked to me and we shook hands

Raiden;We were wanting to test your about a shot against Snake?

Snake:You think you can do it?

[y];I can try...

Raiden:Here is your weapon...

he handed me a Silver Schofield thought at this moment was...

[y]:Oh My god... Wow......oh my god!

Raiden:Nice isn't it? Big boss were the owner of this before you...


Snake;Let's Start...

We both positioned on front off the shooting both...


We began shooting the targets that popped up a counter beside me was couting my points while another counted Snake's...


We both stopped.... Raiden walked in and looked in both Counters...

Raiden:Snake wins..with 1232 points.... [y] made 1231 points...

[y];That last number...

Raiden;Don't worry...

Snake;l never saw no one get close to my Points..or point away...

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