File 11 Male Reader x Yandere Jane The Killer

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A/n:Hey here i am again so we can start this second bundle of yanderes so our pretty little killer its gonna be the one this time so have a good time and bye! also im changing "y/n" to [y] its more easy to write.

Yes I skipped one on purpose.


[y]:*Slith* gah! *pant*pant*pant*

I was panting as i just made another cut in my arm the blood leaked out and touched the floor my palid face and my slender arms bags underneath my eyes telling that i don't slep well for a long time i heard a knock on my door i knew who it was...

[D]:hey! [y] ! get out of there or i *hic* will f&cking break down this door!

I quickly hid my cut and went for the door

[D]:Why did you *hic* tooked so long? you b!tch? get out of the way! *Strak!*

He hit my head with the empty bottle and pushed me out of the room i fell down and looked at him woth blood leaking from my head...

[D]:tonight you sleep....somewhere since your mother has ben cheaing on me again! so bye!

He slammed the door and i got up dumbfolded and walked down the hall to see in my parents room my mother with two guys on the bed she seems to be having fun

[y];Well i guess i'll go for a walk...

With that said i exited my house and walked down the street with blood leaking from my forehead pepole looked at me as i just killed someone and i was wearing a white hoodie so the blood was sprayed really visible all over her i was staggering in my footsteps as i made my way to the city observatory i went there at night it was a secluded place for me at least i was alone and it was dark and misty...i sat down at my favourite spot and looked down at the city and for some reason i started laughing crying at the same time...

[y]:I *sniff* hahaha don't seem to be in my mind today! hahahah *sniff* it must be something out of place! hahahahah *sniff* i think i that bottle really messed my head hahahahahah!

???:I found you!!!


i looked back smiling still and saw a girl with a black hoodie and black eyes but what caught my attention was her knife it was sharp and glowed in the spotlight it would do some damage...

???:After all these years looking and checking everybit of place i found you Jeff now you will die!

[y]:Hehe i don't know who you are but i can asure you something im not who you are looking for

???:Don't try to fool me! i know you well and you know me aswell...

[y]:No i don't ...and im not who you leave me i gotta go back to my oddly house!

???:Im Jane you jackass Jane the killer and you ain't gonna leave!


Jane:Because you will pay for the lifes you taken away and will pay for the death of my family i will have my revenge!

[y]:Wait so you're Killer and you trying to kill this Jeff for payback? but you killed inocent pepole on the way here didn't you?

Jane:How did you know?!!

[y]:Well one your knife is glowing red and you look tired...

Jane:Well...that doesn't matter take out your knife and face me once for all...

[y]:Well i can't...LOOKOUT!!

i jumped at her and tackled her into the ground as a big knife missed her neck...

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