File 117 Male Reader x Yandere Hunters

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Rodri: Me? Where I am?  I'm in my house again. There's someone here teaching me things. I've been bad I know... It's my fault is it not? Wait... Why I'm thinking this? why you making me write this?!


I was running from some bullies as they wanted to beat me up for no reason like any other bully would..

[y]:Oh man! why always me! is like there's an enitity that's commanding their acts!

I ran some more towards an alleway it was an dead end..


I kept the grip in my notebook as i saw the shadows of them moving all over the place..

???;hey Kiddo...

I looked behind me to see an old man.

[y]:H-hey sir..

???;having trouble i see..hide in here until they go away..

My mom always told me never trust strangers especialy Old mans... but it was that or a beatdown..i sighed and entered his house he shut the door and looked outside the window..

[y]:Thanks sir...

???;Call me Morgan ok?

[y];Nice to meet you go-i mean Morgan..

Morgan:It's good to meet you too..

I gave a glance around his house there was antique things like books swords some flasks with names on it...

[y];Woow quite the house you have here..

Morgan;Ha..well my parents owned this they passed on to may not belive it but this things have more then 800 years..

[y];Man! why this is not on museum? this should cost a fortune...

Morgan;Sometimes money isn't all that matters...i have this passion for this things the stories my father ususaly told me picking one of those books...this doesn't have a price..

[y]:I have to agree it's your decision after all the choices we make define us...

Morgan;smart follow me..

He got up from his chair and opened a secret passage way behind the fireplace..

[y];What?! amazing!

I followed him inside and he lead me through some dusty halls empty stone walls into a place with a circle on the ground and a hole in front of it..

[y]:What is this place?

Morgan:this is the story hall look..

He pointed to the ground to show some drawings in the stone

[y];what it means?

Morgan;My dad told me that this represents the story of a young boy who fell in ths hole into a new world... he was baptized with great powers and fought great enemies..

I looked aside to see the so called boy tied up with 3 girls around him..

[y];um...what is this?

I walked outside the sea of leaves to see an open field i pulled out my notebook..

[y]:i guess this calls a drawing of the place..

I drawed the open field and the forest around..

[y];okay man it looks nice..

I put my notebook back in my pocket it was small a bit so i could store it in there..

[y];man ok..i need to go and ty to find something..

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