File 133 Yandere Holo x Male Reader

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Fella:Oooh! this is new for me... ok... well im half happy today well im like this because well my knee got better and i could play the game for my team this morning! YEAH! and we won! 2-0! one goal is mine! a long shot in the right top corner....well enough about me! it's just to say that im half happy the reason for that feeling lonely... as always... well to tell you im sitting in the corner of my room writing this and i have the door and curtains closed...... whatever! let's just move in this the boy @Jazz2064


Holo's P.O.V

I need to leave this town....pepole here they neglected

Holo:There has to be a way to leave without being noticed....huh?

I saw some villagers aproaching i quickly jumped in the wheat t hide..i poked my face see not only a way out...but also a cute boy....he was leaving i ran and hid in his wheat wagoon as he exited the town...i remained silent thinking in what i would do if he found me out...

[yl's P.O.V

[y]:Well a new year....a new fear.... man this days had been the worst for me...i wasn't able to sell almost nothing...

I needed to keep going i was a merchant traveling around trying to live his dream and know the world...

[y]:Outside this place may there be some danger... but there's selling to do...maybe i need to make a camp before reaching next village...

i continued for some hours and i had to stop the night was falling and it was dangerous to keep going....there was robbers i was attacked by some killed them all but i couldn't risk my luck...i sat under the trees it was a nice place to rest...

[y];Well im gonna set the campfire here and..well i'll need to sleep somewhere....

I looked at my wagoon ful of wheat...

[y];yeah a nice place to sleep...

I armed the campfire and began to eat a a bit of meat...until i heard growling...i looked up to see a bear he was standing up before rushing at me and tackling me it began to bite and use those pencil sized nails to scratch my i curdled up in a ball and tryed to defend myself...

Holo's P.O.V

I woke up to some sounds...i peeked outside my eyes widen and my heart crumbled a bear was attacking my love...NO!! i was angry as hell i mutated into a bigger wolf..a mad one and..i leaped out the wagoon and bit the bears neck i stratched is face to make him let go of the cute boy...

What? don't judge young Rodri he was clueless of Holo's skills...


the bear stumbled back bleeding from his neck i ripped a bit of stumbled back and fell dead...i sighed and came back to my normal clothes were ripped a bit...i looked back at the boy he was curdled hugging his belly and crying a lot...

Holo:No..don't die...

I walked to him and bowed down close to him...he needed medical attention now...he opened his eyes and lookd at me i could tell his vision was blurry by the blood on his face...

???:wh-Who are.....

He passed out... I picked him up and placed him in the wagoon and began to treat his wounds....he had some things in his horse bag that i used to help him...after that i covered him

I woke up i was alive....thank god...i was laying down in the wagoon...i was all enveloped in bandages....i tired to move but it hurt so much so i just layed back down...

[y]:What happened?

I could only remember being attacked and a strange figure i couldn't tell who it was....

???:Hm...'s morning already?....

I heard a feminine voice then some arms wrap around my waist.....I looked to see a girl with brown hair and wolf ears? tha heck?

???:Hey i my eyes are down here...

I looked down to notice her staring at me....her eyes were blood red...was i in good hands?

[y];Uh...hi....what you doing here?

???;Just you feeling?

[y]:Kinda hurt...did you saved me?

???;That awnsers your question?

She pointed towards the dead bear...

[y]:Oh..thanks...i owe you my life i think..

???:Like hell you do...

[y];What you want? money? food? my wagoon? ask anything...

???;Anything?......well.....i want..... You...i want you...


???;you heard say you owed me your i want you to spend your life as my husband..

My eyes widen as she said that...

[y]:l-im too young miss to a 17 years old merchant...

???:Oh don't worry you'll be a great husband...

[y];What's your name miss?


[y] [y]...

Holo:Nice to meet you dear husband...

[y]:Um...can we not rush into this?

Holo:Oh you saw what i did to that bear? imagine what i can do to you...



I was on a camp i made far away from my house... Holo...became more possesive and scary... she began to hurt and scratch several places.. i had scars in my my whole body the only 4 big ones were from th bear the others 45 were all from her...she punished me even when we got intimate in bed...bitting my shoulder as we did it... i also learnt that she is ageless that mean she won't age at all...i asked her about me dying from oldness....she said she would take care of turning me in a wolf too when the full moon arrived that was the worst part....when i finnaly got the oportunity i ran away from her for far as i could... 

(Im assuming she has this power to transform you in a furry.. muahahaha!)

[y]:Im sorry for leaving you...but i can't let you turn me in a wolf...

Holo:Im sorry but who said you had an option?

I jumped back there she was standing in front of me with the biggest smile i ever seen....

Holo:Hehehe you tought you could run?.... didn't you forgot? i can smell your's so good mixed with fear....i smelled you for so long whe we were in bed i can track you where ever you go...

I tired to back away she jumped on me and pinned me down...she stared at my eyes...

Holo:You know that tonight is a full moon night?

The clouds cleared to reveal the full moon behind her...i was shivering so much...

Holo:Just lay down....


Holo:My puppy....wake up...

[y]:*Growl*... no...

Holo;I know last night was took me like an animal...but it's time to get up...

[y]; tired...

Holo:Then i won't let you eat today...

[y]:Im up!


Fella;Wow..i really had to give that power to Holo...hehe anyways im done and i'll see you guys next file for now..i'll lay here in the chill corner alone cartoons see ya guys!

Rodri: 7 more

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