File 43 Male Guitarist Reader x Yandere Fredda Krueger

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P.Fella:Spooky sunday!!! here it is! and fredda krueger is gonna be the one! if you like this ones wait till the Haloweek all spooky scary yanderes giving chills down your spine!




[y]:Tell me why we moved into this street?

Mom:Well is calm and peaceful

[y]:But about the murders?

Mom:Oh don't worry they are just stories

[y]:I hope you're right...

Dad:Your mom is always how about you get ready for school?

[y]:Well i don't have anything better to do...

I said as i left to my room we just moved in the Elmore street for as much as i didn't wanted to go because of the stories that my friends on school told me that if you sleep in elmore street you die but my dad insisted that we should go so here we are now....i got dressed and went to school only to find those guys who bully me everyday telling stories or beating me up...

Harry:Hey look its [y]! the little bimbo who's gonna die tonight!

[y];Shut up Harry! im not gonna die!

Potter:Oh yeah you sure you asshol3? and how do you explain the disapearences in our school?


Potter:Yeah keep thinking like that you little sh1t and you gonna be next!

[y]:Go f5ck your @$$ Harry! and Potter

Potter:go you!

[y] want me to f5ck your @$$ ok...

Harry:Wait what? you little f%ck!

They ran after me but i was a lot more faster then them so lost them really easily..i went into my class and sat on my desk close to the window

Dwayne:Hey [y]..

[y]:Hm yeah Dwayne?

Dwayne:So you moved into Elmore street

[y];yeah kinda...

Dwayne:Look out man there's been disapearences and murders in that street and in our school wich is really close to the Elmore...

[y]:Yeah i know...most of disapearences is been girls right?


???:Um [y]?

I looked foward to see the student council president Bia with a blush in her face


Bia:[y]..i was wondering if you..would...

[y]:Yes why not?

Bia:Huh? how do you i know i was going to ask you out?

[y]:Well i just knew...and you look cute when you're blushing..

She blushed more and i chuckled at it

Bia;Thank you! could it be today?

[y]:Um...yeah it can then i could take to my band show tonight!

Bia:*Gasp* yes please! meet me at 8 ok?

[y]:Ok i'll see you then!

She left while smiling then i heard a loud fan girl scream coming from outside the door i smiled only

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