File 114 M.Reader x Yandere SCP 029

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P.Fella:Okay here we are...this is the last request i'll do before going back to rip appart my notebook with the new stories i wrote down. 


I was a guard at the containment cell class 5 as the duty around here was to keep an watch on the SCP 029 or Keter as we call her...i was only one of the tree guys who is suposed to keep watch on her..but still we aren't allowed to interact with her at all or is a month end..that means we need to checkup her cell to see if anything is out of order...wich is a big and really dangerous procedure...

Dr.Bodeen:[y]...come here for a second..

I walked over to Dr.Bodeen who's holding a paper in his hands with the marking of SCP on it..

[y]:What can i help you Dr?

Dr.Bodeen:[y]...i need your assistance...

He handed me the paper wich as some talking in danger and more talking about requests...

[y];What is this Dr?

Dr Bodeen:SCP 029 made some requests...and Dr Light has given me permision to deliver clothes and more to things to her..

[y]:And why you need me Dr?

Dr Bodeen:IM not sure what will be her reaction so please...could you help me deliver?

Dr Bodeen was shaking a lot but was determined to complete this mission i've been with her for a long time but i never reached her for talking or contact for obvious reasons...for some reason she always stare at me...even when i change place with my fellows she still stares directely at me..

[y]:Dr you know this procedure is extremely dangerous...and it could not only risk your life but the lives of everysingle being in this place...

Dr Bodeen: I know....but...i can't just stand here while they treat someone like an animal...

[y];l understand...i'll help you Dr.

Dr Bodeen: Thank you [y]..


We were walking towards her cell i was carrying the clothes and books while Dr in front of me carried some blankets and pillows as well the bed it was already there...

[y];Ok i'll lead from here Dr..and remember if this goes are supposed to run and call for help to contain her as fast as possible ok?

Dr Bodeen:Understod [y]...

We walked in her cell to see one of my fellows guarding over her and the other fixing the lights..

Juan:[y]...where you been?

[y];Im helping Dr here..

Yadje:What is that?

[y];Some blankets and things for her..

Juan:What?! who gave the permision?!

Dr Bodeen:Dr Light...

Juan;Are you sure about this Dr?! itps very dangerous and we can die..

Dr. Bodeen:1 know...

[y]:Im tkaing the Juan... keep an eye on us...

Yadje:Be careful..

We walked over to her place in the middle of the cell i was quite scared...

[y]:Hey... Keter?.... are you there?

I knocked in her containment glass she perked up and walked to me...she placed her hands on the glass looking straight at me..

[y]; I know this is awkward but...look...we brought some things for you...

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