File 82 Male Reader x Yandere Cop

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P.Fella:So my Fellas We reached the police we Will raise the level gradually so we start with cop the rest you'll see.


[y];Monkeys! frezze! put your hands up!

I said at the two guys dressed as monkeys Who were gaining a lot of money from the past two hours...

Monkey:Okay man okay do-don't do any crazy Ok?

[y]:give me all the money you got till now...

He droped a bag and i picked it up then ran to an alleway and into my car... I drove back home and sat on the couch and began to count the money...

[y]:Ok...1 200 dollars?! those monkeys were gaining the score of their lives...too bad i appeared...

I opened a false floor then dropped the bag in it together with the rest of the money i gained on the robbings through the week...

[y]:*Sigh* im fine....*ring* hey it's Susan what she wants this time?

Susan was a friend of mine she was with me since kindengarden together with her sisters Karin and Louise...together they were the trio of normality in school i was always the black sheep...i would never listen to them or obey them like every other kid would and that continued until the end of highschool..

[y];Hi Susan....i wa sleeping why you called me?

Susan:Oh hi [y] it's just i wanted to ask if you could come to my house next weekend... see why didn't you wait til the morning to ask me that?

Susan:l couldn't wait... pass by.....goodbye Susan..

Susan:Goodbye [y]!

She hang up and i took a bath then left to sleep...

[y];Susan is anice girl together with her sisters...she's really nice and cheerful while her sisters are more agressive or intelectual...

I drifted off to sleep...


I was driving my car towards this drug deal to kill some modif5ckers Who destroyed my van which had a lot of weed that i was going to sell.. see wich one should i pick?

I said pointing at the guns i had in my trunk...

[y];Pistol? easy to manage and reload hard to hit the target low cadency....AK-47 high cadency easy to hit hard to manage it and reload...or....Submachine gun medium in everything....Sub it is then!

i picked the sub and headed towards the deal i positioned myself in a hig spot and began to shoot everyone down.. 


i continued shooting and kiled them all i went down there and took the money and the drugs and put them up their van i heard some sirens coming so i quickly entered it and drove off but the cops noticed and give chase after me i sped up...

???:driver stop the veichle right now!

[y];hey i recognise that voice....Susan? I looked in the mirror to see Susan driving the cop car right behind me she had and angry look even tho it was a bit cute...

[y]:Man...if she wasn't chasing me...oh wait I'm gonna meet with her in the weekend i can't let her catch me..

I drove more towards the closest alleway and parked the van sideways blocking the way

[y]:F5ck the drugs i have the money!

I ran as i heard the sirens getting farther and farther away i robbed a car and drove it close to my home before abandoning it...

[y] back wonder how

Susan is right now...

I gave a call to Susan


[y]:Hi Susan i forgot to ask which day and hour I'm supposed to go there...

Susan:Oh you can come around 7 pm kay?

[y];Sounds good for the way were you chasing someone?

Susan:yea i was how do you know...

[y]: News...

Susan:oh...ok then!

She hanged up and i leaned back in my couch..

[y];Susan...the happy one...

#Flashback# [y]'s age 7

I was playing aroun with some toys i made since my daddy didny had money t afford one i created things out of my cars and trains...that made kids aound joke about me and call me poor or stupid and they would always pick one and throw away my toys....but today i saw them picking on a girl Who was trying the best to not cry and keep the smile but i knew it wouldn't last long...

[y];hey..leave her alone...

???;Look it's the poor little prick!

???:Came to be the hero little boy?

[y]:Leave her alone!

I punched him in the face and e fell back crying

???;im gonna tell my mom!

[y]:Whatever.....are you ok?

I looked at the girl and offered a hand to her..

???:Thank you...who are you?

[y];lm [y]...and you are who? Susan!

[y]:Nice to meet you Susan...why were they picking on you?

Susan;Well it's because i use braces in my

[Y}; Don'tworry it's ok it's kinda means when you are done you Will become a beautiful girl!

Susan:Do you really think so?

[y]:Yeah! donlt take that smile out of your face ever!

Susan: Thank you!

???; Susan honey come on! time to go home!

[y]; Bye Susan!

She kissed my cheek and waved goodbye I placed a hand where she kissed and blushed...

#Flashback end#

[y]; And she did become a pretty girl...


I was outiside Susanls house ringing the doorbell

[y];Maybe she isn't home...

I was about to walk back when the door opened and Susan jumped on my hugging me tight and digging my head between her large cleavage...

Susan;[y] you really came!

[y];yeah i would miss for nothimg..but im running

out of the air so..

She swung a baton at me only for me to dodge

Susan:[y]...youlre under arrest for robbing drug dealing and murder...your sentence...marry me

She ran at me with her baton i dodged under it and swiped her leg then restrained her and handcuffed her

Susan:Hey im the one to handcuff you!

[y]:Hehe no this time...see you around Susan!

I left her house....

#Timeskip# Susanls P.O.V

I sat there as my love left me after a while Louise and Karin entered the house and saw me...

Louise:What situation you got yourself into..

Karin:No shlt...

Susan:Please girls help me i don't wanna stay here no more!!! *Bua*


P.Fella: you survived the first Story! congrats! i'll see you guys next file bye! 

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