File 125 Male Reader x Yandere FNAF (GT Storyline)

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Rodri: The gametheory storyline,It was some long 7 years of theorising on some random mysteries that kept us thrilled to watch the next segment, even tho now I think Scott Cawthon is stretching these series for far too long, it isn't making sense anymore. It reminds me of Vanoss's GMOD fnaf 2 video, where the skit points to a post futuristic animatroic war. And to be honest? that's where it'll reach.


Fritzy's P.O.V

I was with my friends Susie Janeth Gabriela and Cassidy as we played trough the restaurant's halls... it was a birthday party for Cassidy and she invited us to join..

Cassidy:Hey Fritzy! stop messing around with Foxy! come join us in the ball pit!

Fritzy: Coming! 

Cassidy: You know where Susie went?

Fritzy:Yea! she went this way...

We began to walk towards the hallway of the security room until we reached the backroom...

Fritzy; not sure where she went after this..

???;Can i help you there kiddo?....

We all looked behind us to see Golden Bonnie staring at us..

Gabriela:Yeah we've been looking for our friend...Susie...

G.Bonnie:Oh...all you girls has been looking for your friend...

Fritzy;She was talking to know where she is?

G.Bonnie;Ah...yes... i know...follow me...

We followed her towards an iron door room

G.Bonnie:She's in here...

We entered the dark room before the door snapped shut and was locked it was all dark... scared! Where are we?

Janeth:I can't see it's so dark...

The light was turned on and we could see was a weak yellow light it was still hard to see...

Fritzy;Um... What is hap- huh?.....AHHH!!

I stepped on something i looked back to see Susie she was with a stab wound in her chest...

G.Bonnie:There is she...

Gabriela;What you done! you kilt Susie!

G.Bonnie:And i'll kill you all next...

We all try to run but she grabbed Gabriela and snapped her neck...we all screamed and began try to get the door open...



She stabbed Janeths back as she curdled into a ball and cryed more before stopping completely...

Fritzy:NO!! *Cry* MOMMY!!! DAAAADDYY!!! *cry*

G.Bonnie:No one will save you can't can't be saved...

She walked to me and plunged the knife in my stomach i coughed some blood and punched her in the face....

G.Bonnie:Na ah ah....this is coud make the springlocks go off...just...die!

She twisted the knife in my belly making me Scream in pain as She pulled out and walked to Cassidy who was crying in the corner...

G.Bonnie:It will be over soon...

Thad to watch her kill Cassidy as she cried a lot pleading her to stop as he plunged the knife deeper in her gut... need to get rid of the bodies....i have an idea...

Those were the last words i heard before I passed away...

#Timeskip# [y]'s P.O.V

I was with my sister in a new restaurant Circus Baby pizza world...a restaurant that my Mom opened...

[y];Sis...this place is scary...

Elizabeth:Come on [y]! you know i love this place! mommy built baby for me...maybe she could build an animatronic for you!

[y]:No..i don't wanna get involved....

I saw dad talking with some costumers as he walked towards us..

Willia:HEy.. Elizabeth [y]...come here for a second...

We walked closer to him...

Willia:Look...i don't want any of you to get close to Baby ok?

[y]:Yes Mom...

Elizabeth:Why Mom?...didn't you built her just for me?

Willia:yes..but...she's shy right now...don't get close to her... Or any of the other animatronics.

She kissed Elizabeth's cheek and my forehead then left...


I was eating Pizza holding my toy telephone as i lost sight of my sister..


Willia:yes my dear?

[y]:I..don't know where Sis is...

Willia:What?!.i'll go find stay here...

Mom left desperate trying to find Elizabeth i jumped off my chair and walked in the oposite direction...until i reached a empty room..i looked inside to see Elizabeth and Baby... i was about to call her when Baby's Stomach opened and swalloed Elizabeth...i dropped my toy Phone...


Mom and other adults came in running and saw what happened Mom's eyes were filled with regret and pain as she hugged me close and i cried into her arms...and cried and cried...


Willia's P.O.V

[y] has been silent for a long while, he always run off to that place to ride on the caroussel whenever he does that..i always use the illusion disks to scare him away from the animatronics.

Willia:I can't let him die... in any circustances...

I saw something interesting as I was walking down the Circus baby storage place... i found something that caught the glimpse of my moving...but not because she was turned on...something was moving her...something is weird... there's someone there... Does my Daughter still lives inside that suit...I want to find out...i want to know how... how she's still alive?...i need to do some experiments...


Rodri: I think some of the story was cut in the screenshot they sent me, That's somewhat disappointing.

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