File 51 Male Reader x Yandere Cream the Creeper

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P.Fella:This story is gonna be a blast! bad joke!


[y]:I need more wood if i wanna finish my house before the night strikes...

I was rebuilding my house after some mobs attacked it it was close to the beach so i had to walk a little to get to the forest...

[y]:Well remember the plan...cut the tree plant another i don't wanna ruin the biome...

I started to cut some of them and planting more so it could grew i was almost finishing when i heard this explosion close to me...

[y];Huh?...what happened?

I walked over to see a bunch a creepers chasing another creeper why? she was scared...i need to help her....

???;Leave me alone you perverts!!

I jumped in front of the creepers and they all stopped then started running again...

[y]:You got it!

I pulled out my axe and a ender pearl and plunged my axe in the front creeper i kicked it into the others and threw the ender pearl i grabbed the girl and zup we were in another area...

[y]:Are you ok?

???:Ye-yeah....thank you...aren't you gonna hurt me?

[y];Why? just a cute creeper girl...

She blushed at this and hid her face behind the sleeves of her shirt...

[y]:So tell me why are those guys trying to hurt you?

???;'s kinda mating season on the creeper kind so they were trying to...

[y];No more okay i got it...are you gonna be safe?

???:I-i don't know...

[y];Well then....this is kinda sudden but you want live with me? i could protect you from those guys until the mating season ends...


[y]:Yeah...i won't try anything...

???;Yay!! of course let's go!

[y];Yeah wait what's your name?

???:Oh im Cream nice to meet you!

[y];Im [y] and it's a satisfaction to meet you!

Cream;yeah come on let's go i wanna see your house!!

She held my hand and i led her to the house...

Cream:Wow! you live here?!

[y] still finishing it...

Cream:It's already this big! imagine when it's over!

[y]:I hope so...come on i'll get you dinner...

We entered the house and she sat down in the couch and i just got a question...

[y];um....sorry to ask but what creeper usualy eat?

Cream;Well...anyhting tasty is good!


I left to the kitchen i think i'll do some meat and i have some watermelon juice yeah i think that will do!

Cream's P.O.V

I was sitting down in the couch waiting for my love to come back...he was nice and offered me a place to one never did that before so im sure this is the guy mama told me about the it's time to put in practice what she taught me...i said as i left to his room and looked around to see somethigs he had a couple bed perfect and he had a guest room perfect for our child...i checked into his chest and saw...some diamonds...a photos...i looked more closely to the photos and saw him sitting on the shoulder of his dad with his mother beside both of them he looked so cute...

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