File 78 Male Reader x Yandere Bully

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PFella:Just imagine that's her lookings okay! she doesnt have a sword!


I was on my class focusing on my test while I received a big stare from the chair behind me... was Mist she was the bully of the school she would pick with everyone but me she kinda got an fetish in beating me up with her little gang...

[y]. What im gonna do when the test end | need to fun out the here before they find me...

I finished my test handed over to the teecher and the bell rung i got up and walked out to my lockers to organize some stuff and leave when my head was slammed in the lockers door...

Mist.Hey dipsh1t. how was your test?

[Y]: Pretty nice Mist thanks for asking...

Mist:Dont you think being polite with me will make you escape todays besting i saw what you did you was talking to that Britney bitch!

[Y]: She asked me if I could borrow her a pen!

Mist:Well you shouldn't...*Slam* Had *Slam* talked to her! *Slam*

She slammed my head in the locker 3 timesfull force she would really like to ht my heed & was starting to get problematic...since i lived alone i didnt had no one to run to but a X-Ray imade last month told me that | hed cracks in the skull...

[Y]: Man..if this keeps up im gonna die...

I said as I held my head hurting like hell and limped ail the way outside..

[y]: I need to keep an eye Mist's gang could be anywhere...

Bryce: [y]!

[y]: Bryce!

My best friend Bryce was with me in most bed situations | told him about my Skull and he was really worried...

Bryce-Again? she did it again?!

[y]: getting worrted about my situation. I might get a brain damage if this keeps up...

Bryce: Man im telling you use this stun gun man.

[y]: that would get me in trouble...

Bryce:Self defense man.

[y]:  I know...... maybe it isnt so bad give me it.

he handed me the stun gun and i placed in my backpack...

[y]: Can you help me home? not feeling ok...

Bryce:Sure man

He helped me all the way to my house...

[y]: Thanks man... Bryce-Anytime! so you sure you will be ok?

[y] Yeah im sure go on your GF it's getting worried!

Bryce: Ok dude call me if anything happens ok?

I left inside the house and limped over to the bathroom i took a shower and bruised my head i looked over to the desk where i sew my X-ray tests with circles all over it...

[y] It’s getting worrying...i need to put an end to this...

I placed the tests in a drawer and went to sleep to relax a litle...

Mist's POV

I was sitting in my home thinking about my darling [y]....I was beating him up but it had a reason I loved him and i couldn't stand hum talking to other i needed to teach him a lesson day he will fall for me and we are gonna be the perfect couple...

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