File 47 Male Conduit Reader x Yandere Deku

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P.Fella:Okay im gonna use all my knowledge in this gonna love this! (I don't own the artwork)


[y]:So Delsin come on a race to Uptown!

Delsin:You wanna lose don't you?

[y]:Oh look who talks...

Delsin:Alright then ready....steady...go!

We started running towards uptown he was in the video while me in the neon form so we kinda was a tie until

Delsin:Hey stop!

We both stopped on the bridge

[y]:What you tired?

Delsin:No i have an idea! how bout we mix powers!

[y]:What do you mean?

Delsin:Like you shoot you in a place and i shoot in the same place at the same time to see what happens!

[y]:Video and Neon? yeah let's try!

We both pointed our arms foward and charged

[y]:One two..three!

We both fired and suprisingly it mixed and exploded creating a hole that was sucking us both in..

[y]:What is going on!?

Delsin:I don't know! but we better run!

He started to fly off and i tried to run but the vortex was sucking me on to hard i tripped and got pulled in



I woke up in a forest i got up and walked a bit until i reached an open patch...

[y] seems like a path to somewhere...heh?

I looked behind me and saw a dust cloud followed by 2 pepole running fast as they could...

[y]:Wow pepole like races here...

???:Who's that on the road?


I looked closely and saw two pepole a red and white haired guy and a green haired girl she looked at me and she blushed? this is gonna be interesting...the guy passed by me while the girl stopped in front of me looking at me while blushing...


???:Oh...hi! who are you?

[y]:Oh im [y] and im lost and you are?

???:Im Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku nice to meet you!

[y]:It's a pleasure Deku but..aren't you losing the race?

She realised what she did and teared up

Deku:Now i can't enter the academy!


I held onto her and she blushed more

Deku:What are you doing?

[y]:Im gonna help you win!

I ran as fast as i could with her in my arms bridal style we soon passed the double haired guy and we were about to win when...

Deku:All mighty!

I looked up to see a muscled man in a star red and blue suit was he american? he was about to jump on us when i had an idea

[y]:Well up we go!

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