File 96 Blind Reader x Rich Yandere

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P.Fella:Hey here we are Again! And im posting this more earlier because my final tests are coming up...


I was blind since i was born my eyes were dull and lifeless and im kinda used to it family and i were poor we didn't had money to afford nothing we would eat with the little we gather around the streets. recently my parents passed out due a ilness and i had to live withou them...and of course being blind doesn't help a lot...

[y]:I wish my parents hadn't died i wish i had money....So i could never need to ask for and help the ones who need....

I said as i sat on the sidewalk with a cup beside me where i would store the money that pepole would give me...

???:There you go bud...

[y]: Thank you sir...

I heard the coins clang and i smiled at least i would had money to eat my lunch....

Wendy's P.O.V

I was walking with my security guards behind me being a famous star it was really nice and of course i needed to go with them everywhere so pervert would not try to mock me or crazy fan girls i did a lot of shopping buying clothes and more stuff for me as mu father gave me a lot of money to spent...

Wendy:Yeah there's plenty of money left i don't know what to buy...

I looked over to see a boy he was sitting on the sidewalk he had some black glasses and ripped clothes...he had a cup beside him and...he was beautiful..... my heart pounded in my chest....i wanted to be there i wanted to know that boy... I walked over to him and saw a man taking money away from the boys cup...

??:There you go bud...

He took it and left the boy smiled why? That guy just robbed him...


??:Oh hello miss is there something i can help you with?

Wendy:Why you were smiling?

???:What do you mean? Im happy that someone gave me some Coins to live another day...

Wendy: Well....he didn't gave any....he took it....he stole your coins...

He downed his head....

?:Oh...why?...pepole are so mean....*sniff* i never did anything to harm no one....*sniff* it's already bad that im blind pepole still hurt me like that....

He was crying...he was blind? Oh my it made my heart sunk into pain and...i called my security and told them to go adter that guy and murder him. If you ask if they would do that? With a 25.000$ Salary they need to do more then just dispose of bodies.

Wendy:Hey....don't feel like that...come here...

I gave the boy a hug he rested his head in my shoulders and cryed more...

???:Wh-why are you doing this?

Wendy:Beacuse i care about you...look come here let's go...

???:Go? Where?

Wendy:To a better place....

???:Um...what's your name misstress?

Wendy:Im Wendy Lionheart



???:You are a famous girl... there a problem...

???:Im not sure if i should relate with you....

Wendy:What do you mean?

???:It's just im poor you're rich how you think your parents wilk think of this...

Wendy:They won't mind...he better don't...

???:Um what?

Wendy:Don't worry come on!

I led him towards my limo and he was so cute the way he would cling into my arm to not get lost while looking down...

Wendy:Hey i never got your name...

??? name is [y] [L]

Wendy:[y] such a cute name...

His face lit cute....i helped him in my car and sat beside him

[y]:It's kinda cold here...

I smiled and clung into his arm and rested my head in his shoulder...


We arrived home and i my father wasn't home so i led him to my room and told him to stay there...just as i did that my dad arrived and greeted me...

Mr.Lion:Hi my dear...

Wendy:Hi dad...

Mr.Lion:Tell me the security said you had a guest can i see who he is?

Wendy:We-Well he's in my room right now... tell me what's his social status?

Wendy:He's Rich in kindness and beatifuness...

Mr.Lion:You telling me that he's poor?

Wendy: Kinda...

Mr.Lion:Of all the people that i presented you all the Rich guys who could give you a nice choose a low life....poor who os with you just for the money you have?

Wendy:He's not like that Dad! He's kind and caring also he's cute!

Mr.Lion: Get him out...

I was about to burst into tears i looked behind

I was about to burst into tears i looked behind me and saw [y] he was standing on the front

of the door entrance he lowered his head and began to walk away...i felt nothing but rage i pulled my hair needle and jammed into my dad's throat he coughed blood and fell limp on the floor...

Wendy:Security... Two guards walked in and froze up at the sight...

Wendy:Clean this mess make it fast....and if any of you speak anything im gonna make sure you end the same way....

They nodded and began to clean up i ran around looking for [y] and found him in my room he was looking down crying....



Wendy:Im Sorry for my dad he's an asshOle

[y]:It's okay and he's should socialize with ones in your level me im a low life blind bitch...i don't deserve a good life....if you could help me find the way out the house i would apreciate...

I hugged him tight....

Wendy:Don't say that you deserve a good  life...with me...i love you [y] and i never gonna let you go....

[Y]: But your dad said...

Wendy:Forget him he isn't trouble no more....i swear im gonna make you feel loved everyday....your mine [y] all mine....

[y]:Wendy.....thank you...

Wendy; I love you...


P.Fella: What the fuck is wrong with me?

Rodri: Why do I do this to myself? If you're asking yes I am gonna brag about this until the end.

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