File 22 Male Reader x Yandere Queen

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P.Fella:I have a great idea for this so let's start it now! (I don't own the artwork)



[y]:F&CK!! i can't control it!


[y]:I-i can't!

I was in the plane with my fellow soliders that was going a f*cking saegull hit the engine 2 and it make it blow off we was going to a no escape way...if the crash didn't kill us the sharks will ..i now was just hoping see my father in the other side...

Minus;What is that?

I looked up to see in front of the cabin what it seems to be a crack like a portal to an diferent place...

[y]:I don't knoow but we are going straight to it! prepare yourself!

Cristine's P.O.V

I was riding my horse with my knights beside me i was on the open field thinking about the idea of being alone for all this time i needed a king...but all volunteers are worthless i need someone that i feel to be my lover

Kuri:My queen why you rejected all of the volunteers to be your loving king? they had everything money and power...

Cristine:I don't saw in them something that i could like in them all the same...

Knight1;What is that?!

My kinght said pointing to the sky i look up to see a strange huge object fall from the sky

Cristine;By God what is that?

The thing touched the ground not to far from us and and then a deafening sound was heard...i needed to see what was that...

[y]'s P.O.V

[y]:* cough*cough*cough* Minus! are you ok?

Minus;Yeah im fine for f%ck sake we survived!

[y]:Yeah come on let's see if the others are ok...

We walked out of the cockpit and into the back of the plane and we found everyone couhing and walking but they are all fine

Minus;Are you guys ok?

Solider3;yeah we are

Solider2;What happened?

[y]:A seagull hit the engine...the rest you know

Solider5;But how we got here i saw water...

Minus:That's what we are trying to discover...

[y]:Is the commander ok?


We looked to the commander to see that he was killed by a metal bar that struck through his heart...


The other looked sad and dumbfolded i needed to help them cheer them up

[y]:hey hey come on...i knw it's sad we all lied the commander and im sure that he would hate to see you guys crying like babies let's get ready okay get your guns ammo and some supplies and let's move...

They all nodded and Minus came to me with the commanders hat

Minus;I think this is your commander...

[y]:So easy? okay let's go then...

We walked out the busted ramp door to the open field...

[y]:So where are we

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