File 110 Immortal M.Reader x Yandere F.Genos

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P.Fella: ....yea....this was awkward but ok..... anyways this one was requested by "@DavidLikesStuff" and for some reason, he requested on the private chat.


Making my way downtown to the grocery store like every day was like this so boring.....until...

[y]:Why this days are so boring? In my past 2000 years i never met so boring times..... *booom!*

I looked behind me to see a building up in flames a bald guy in a stupid yellow clothing and a girl that was fighting a monster...

[y]: This may be fun...

I walked beside the Bald man...

[y]:Sup Egghead..

???:What did you say?!

He turned to me with a death glare...

[y]:Sorry bro...

???:You called me a Egghead.....i'll murder you...

He balled his fist and punched me into a hurt a lot but i was fine so i walked out the building rubbing my belly...

[y]:I said sorry dude...

??? are alive?

[y]:Im Immortal...

???: Someone finally didn't died in one punch! I'm in the best day of my life!

He cheered i was about to say something when i heard a feminine scream i looked towards it to see the robot blonde girl flying towards me i jumped up and caught her midair...she had her eyes closed and her hands close to her chest...

[y]:Um...Miss are you ok?

She opened her eues and looked at me imedeately blushed...

??? thanks....

I placed her down and she looked back at the monster...

???:Sorry master... i didn't destroyed it...

???: Yea Yea...

The bald man jumped at the monster and punched him that thing just exploded into a Thousand pieces....


???:*sigh* this always get boring...hey survivor what's your name?

[y]:Oh im [y] and i might know you you two are?

???:Im Saitama and this girl beside you is Genas my aprendice...

[y]:Nice to meet you two...

Saitama:Don't mind hey! Do you wanna grab a bite all this fighting made me hungry...

[y]:Yeah im fine with it..

Saitama:Good because you're paying it come on!

He said while he walked off...

[y]:Is he always like this or it's just on sundays?

Genas:Always get used to it....

I sighed...and she clung into my arm...

[y]:Um? Why are you doing this?

Genas:Get used to it...

I sighed again and we walked off following the Eggman...


I became friends with Saitama and he told me of his problem with his punches and why je was suprised that i didn't die i told him that i had more then 2000 years but i stopped ageing when i hit my 20's and Genas i became really good friends with her we both hanged out when we could that's when she wasn't training with Saitama wich was almost everytime since he almost never wanted to leave bed...but she was really attatched to me like a lot she would ask questions like where was i, whonwas that girl i spoke, why that girl is looking at me, creepy stuff...again we were in a hang out around town since Saitama was busy trying to kill a fly....

[y]:So Genas....can you awnser me a question?

Genas:Yes? What you wanna know?

[y]:Why you make those questions?..

Genas:Wich questions?..

[y]:You know like Asking me where i was of who was with me...

Genas:Oh....i just care about you in these days you need to be careful what would i do if you got kidnapped?

I could tell by the way she spoke that this wasn't the full truth but i didn't wanna poke that with a 12 foot Stick so i just accepted that excuse and keep er' going...

[y]:Oh ok....thanks for caring... *Smooth*

I kissed her forehead and she blushed a lot i could see vapor coming out of her Air vaults....

[y]:Consider this a thank you...

She smiled and hid herself behind her palms...

[y]:So let's go? There still a lot of places i wanna go...

Genas:Ye-yeah let's go!

#Timeskip# Genas P.O.V

He Loves me! He does i know it! But he's suspicious about can't ket him find out that i killed all those whores who spoke to him...soon very soon We will be together forever i just need for him to get tired...and looks like my wait is ending..

[y]:Uaaa!! Genas... Im tired can we go back home?

Genas:But we are too far from your home...i know my house is close by you can soeep there if you want...

[y];Ok...if it doesn't bother you...

Yes! My plan is working so well...


He was asleep in the guest room i put some chains in his arms carefuly to not wake him up and took off my clothes then layed down beside him.


He was asleep in the guest room i put some chains in his arms carefuly to notbwake him up and took off my clothes then layed down beside him wating for him to wake up..

[yl's P.O.V

I woke up with a heavy feeling of someone on top of me i opened my eyes to see Genas Naked making circles in my chest with her finger and smiling...


Genas:Oh? You are awake....nice.. now we can start....

[y] please Genas i like you but as a Friend we can't do this!

Genas:Does it look like a care? No!

She ripped my clothes and placed her hand on my chest heart side she then heated up her hand and i could feel my heart getting burned up she moved her hand around like it was trying to do something she let go and my chest was hurting so much she then took a picture with a strange machine...

[y]:What did you do?!

Genas: Nothing...just claimed you mine...

She showed me the picture it was an X-Ray of my chest on my heart was written Belongs to Genas...

Genas:Does it look like a care? No!

She ripped my clothes and placed her hand on my chest heart side she then heated up her hand and i could feel my heart getting burned up she moved her hand around like it was trying to do something she let go and my chest was hurting so much she then took a picture with a strange machine...

[y]:What did you do?!

Genas: Nothing...just claimed you mine...

She showed me the picture it was an X-Ray of my chest on my heart was written Belongs to Genas....

Genas:With the pain out of the way...let's move into the pleasure...


P.Fella: Ight everyone! Hope you enjoyed it! see you all later!

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