File 141 Last Male on the Yandereverse part IV

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P.Fella: Wooo! part III let's get er going! I think it's part III? no it should be part IV.


[y]:Ok Explain to me We are not safe?!

Lil:No we aren't...

[y]:How?! We are in outer space!

Lil:There a sign that says Area 51 on the side of this!


Lil:That means that they have more then just one spaceship!

[y]:Ok....F6ck.... So what we gonna do? We are in the end of the Universe with no comunication and no way to survive!

Lil:Yeah we are screwed....

???:Pro-Ba-Bilities of yo-u be-ing screwed are 23 per-cent

[y]:1 played Portal...I know that voice.... Glados!

Glados:He-llo Humans

Lil:You know this Robitch?

Glados:Thats High-ly o-ffen-sive!


[y]:Would you two stop acting like Childs? And focus on surviving?

Glados&Lil: Sorry...

[y]:Anyway Glados Can you Tell us where are we?

Glados:We-are on sector 55 of-the Milky Way a light-year from earth...

[y]:1 f6cking light year?!

Lil:ls that far?

[y]:Only 9.460.536.207.068.016m away from earth..

Glados:Wai-t.....thats co-rrect....

Lil:Oh.... nerd...

[y]:Hey i study! Ok? ....Glados Why were you in the bottom of the ocean?

Glados:l-was a project from the unite-d stat-es of ' try lo-ok for a male on other pla-nets...

[y]:Is there life outside the earth?

Glados:Of cou-rse there is so ma-ny life besi-des us that we can't cou-nt...

Lil:So Glados Im loving the lesson but how we gonna survive?

Glados:There is a pla-net Called Ze-ta Not that far from he-re...we could re-suplly...

[y]:One more question is there any male life there?

Glados;Ne-ga-ti-ve the Universe is 99.9 per-cent filled with Woman...

[y]:And that makes me...

Glados:The 0.01 per-cent of the Uni-verse the only ma-le...


Lil:Well... How is the life There?

Glados:Zeta is a Lightly Po-pula-ted planet... more farming...

Lil:See [y] maybe we can get in and out easily..

Glados:Zeta is also the ca-pi-tal of the Tiffany's Empire...

Lil: Tiffany's Empire?

[y]:Who is her?

Glados:Em-press Tiffany is the ruler of the Milky way....

Lil;ls she a treat?

Glados: Tiffany has been sen-ding ex-pe-di-tions across the Milky-way


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