File 40 Male Reader x Yandere Fem Josh UNT DWN

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P.Fella:I don'tknow who's idea was to do this but i like the idea but the credit goes to who created it! im just doing my version of it!


I was in the bus with Sam talking about this sudden call out of Jill to the Cabin...

[y];This is strange isn't it? this year after that incident...

Sam:Yeah it is...I hope Jill is ok...

[y]:Well she seemed ok in the video...

Sam:Yeah..but i mean in all the ways..after all she did lost her sisters...


I started remembering about last year incident...

#Flashback# One year before...

I was sitting on the couch reading a book while the others were upstairs doing something i didn't know... Jill and Chris were passed out after drinking too much and Beth was looking at a letter in the table...

Beth:What my inocent little sister is in now?

Then Hannah ran by pass us crying then the others appeared and ran outside the door me and Beth followed them...

[y]:Wow what happened?

Mike;Hannah! come back!

Beth:What did you guys do?

Emily:It was just a prank Hannah!

Beth:You guys are assholes you know that!

[y]:Beth where are you going?

Beth:Im gonna find my sister!

[y];I'll go with you!

She nodded and we left to the forest...

[y]:Beth there's two paths go there i'll go here...

She left and i did aswell...i followed a shadow of something looked like a human but with a kinda slender legs and arms but it ran off as a man with a flamethrower appeared...then i heard a scream...


I ran towards the source of the sound and saw them holding the ledge i tried to grabe them but they fallen before i could reach them..i ran off back to the house...

#FlashBack end#

[y]:i was there Sam...if i was faster i could..

Sam:Hey don't blame yourself from what happened ok? you did all it was possible! you even stod there one more week with Jill after the incident!

[y] make sure that she wouldn't kill herself...i stopped her from doing it two times....i spent everysingle moment of that week with her...she cried on my shoulders a lot...

Sam:I wish i was there aswell but i couldn't stay there any longer...

[y]:I understand....

#Timeskip# Cabin

We arived at the cabin and everybody was outside except for Chris..

Sam:hey guys!

They all looked at us and Jill ran towards me and hugged me tightly nuzzling her head on my chest...

Jill:[y]! im so glad you're here...

[y];I wouldn't miss this on nothing!

Ashley:hey [y] hi Sam

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