File 156 Yandere Phone Booth

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Rodri: Time to make a Yandere story, I've disappeared, right? For a month or two, to be fair I'm out of ideas. Completely. So I'm forcing myself to write something that might not even be that good...


It was late at night and I was walking back home by myself since my car broke down, I sincerely hated the fact I had to walk throughout this scary city alone until I made it home.

Reader: Oh damn, I forgot to call Aiden to tell him my car is gonna stay at the company's parking lot for the night.

I pulled my phone and tried booting it online, but the battery was dead because someone decided to use my charger and didn't retrieved it...

Reader: I can call him when I get home.

I was walking pass a gas station with its light flickering around, the store was still open and across the street there was a phone booth.

Reader: I can use that booth to get that off my head before I forget it.

I walked into the store to get some change for the booth, the guy behind the counter seemed really fucking pissed to be here late at night.

Reader: Hey man, give me a change for this 5.

Cashier: You buying anything?

Reader: No... I just want the change.

Cashier: I'll give you the change if you buy something...

My god this guy sounds annoying and the fact he's not even looking at me, he's staring at the mirror in the ceiling behind me.

Reader: Look here buddy, I'm here for the change if I wanted to buy something I'd pick it up.

Cashier: You can leave the store if you aren't buying anything...

I had it with this guy, I grabbed his head and smashed his chin onto the counter, he fell on his butt knocking over the cigarette packs above him.


Cashier: Wha-d fwuk duud?

I think his jaw is dislocated...

Reader: Change... now.

He quickly pulled out the change for the 5 note I handed him, I gave him a slight nod and left the store.

Reader: Now, let's call Aiden.

I entered the phone booth and closed the small door behind me, I slid in the coin and typed Aiden's number.

Reader: Hope he's not busy pleasuring himself...

???: Hello.

A weird voice spoke through the phone it was deep and it was easy to realise it was using a voice modifier to talk, I thought this was just a prank and hung up the phone.

Reader: I must've called the wrong number.

I slowly pressed the buttons of Aiden's number, I waited for the call to go through.

???: Hanging up on someone isn't nice Reader...

Reader: Say what? Aiden if it's you pulling a prank on me I swear I'll-

???: Aiden is not here, neither you'll be calling him again tonight.

Reader: What? Who are you? How do you know my name?

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