File 137 Mind Reader x Yandere Best Friend

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Fella:Hm....this is new and interesting... male Mind reader?....ain't this great...but wait....are you a mind reader? or a story reader? it's weird i am not sure....anyway let's start this...oh! just to let you know...the girl in this story... it's a friend of mine...a male one..he reads my stories aswell...and he will be mad for me doing this....but i don't care getting an ass whopping this will be funny!


Thad an odd thing ever since i was born...i never could explain what it was...i don't know if i it was me thinking fast enough to guess what the others wanted.....or....i really could know what the others was weird and confusing but very useful...

Jim:Hey [y]

[y];Yes teacher!

Jim:The answer for question 45 you know it?

I looked down at my book to read the question and it was a geography question....


[y]:Mr Jim....may i make you a question...

He sighed as always i made a question for i could find the answer...

jim;What is it?

[y]:You think the answer is on the book?


[y]:So Jim you know the answer?


Jim;Yes i do?

[y]:If you know the answer that means you thinking about it now?

Jim:Yes....the answer.... [y].. now!

[y]:Ok! i got's Rotterdam

Jim:Then why would you do a full loop if you knew the answer?!!

[y]:I just wanted to make sure....

Jim:You are argh!!! *RING*...thank god...i need a break...

[y]:Oh well time for lunch...


I looked behind to see my best friend ever since pre-school Vicci (It's Spelled Vi-Tsy) we met when i helped her draw an airplane...she clung into my arm and never let go and we continued through middle school and now on high school she was very smart..more than me...but for some reason i think she studies more about me.. then the subjects...

[y];Hey Vicci hoy are you?

Vicci:Im nice now that class ended had you been studying?

[y];yea..about that....i haven't

Vicci:Study... it's the best thing you do....even tho you know most of the answers for various questions...

[y];kinda...hey wanna go out later? like eat a burger or something?

She blushed and hugged her notebook....she was nervous...maybe it's because i asked her out?

[y];it's okay if you are shy don't worry...

Vicci:I would love to...t-thanks...

[y]:No i'll meet you later at 7 pm? it's okay by you?


She was concerned about something...there's something wrong about her actions...

[y]:Maybe 7 pm it's to early 8 pm?


She was reliefed now...what was the problem with 7 pm?...maybe i should investigate...

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