File 16 Male Reader x Yandere Medusa&Fem Minotaur

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P.Fella:Im into mytologhy today so i'll make this also youre like kratos in this you have his strengh and his blades but you aren't bald and white as milk ok?


In the island of Mileto rested a warrior well known in Ancient Greece his name was [y] He once defeated the gods son himself Hercules on a fist fight and now he was regaining his strenght in Mileto but his rest is gonna but put to a end....

???;[y] wake up!

[y]:Uh...Arquimedes? what are you doing here i thought you were working on Apolo's Light...

Arquimedes:Well i kinda need your help i lost the light of Apolo it was inside my shpere

[y]:How did you manage to lose something so important?

Arquimedes:Poseidon wasn't happy with me then he sended a storm and i lost it now i need your help..

[y]:How do you think i can find it?

Arquimedes:It's light is bright as the nightime falls and i saw it in the island of Samocracia

[y];That's the gorgon's sisters island..

Arquimedes:Yes that's why i need you please..

[y]:Okay i'll go but i don't have anything to fight them..

Arquimedes:That's where you are wrong here

He gives me what look like a shield but i has a mirror on it

[y]:How this can help me?

Arquimedes:Is the Mirrored Shield It deflects the gorgon sisters stare but it only works on Esteno and Euriale

[y]:*Sigh* okay then i shall move on...

I grabbed my sword and the shield and moved into the ship to Samocracia...

#Timeskip# Samocracia

As soon as i made in Samocracia i told my fellows to leave em and only come back when the light of Apolo is shining in the night they did as i told and i moved into the forest...

[y]:So the Gorgon sisters live here this is a beatiful island

As i deepened into the forest i suddently came into a big stone path that led into a cave i entered in the cave it was dark and i tripped and fell...then something wraped around my waist and pulled me up i closed my eyes and a voice spoke..

???;Well well what do we have here...a lost warrior...


???;Call me Angela and i shall ask you the same question...

[y]:[y] It's my name!

Angela:What a beautiful name for a beautiful person i shall ask what brings you here?

[y]:I im a seek for a Light

Angela:Oh this?

She held up the light i could fell it's warmth but i didn't open my eyes

Angela;My my please open your eyes let me see them...

[y];I can't...

I held up my shield after a while i got dropped and i heard cries..

Angela:So that's why nobody never looked at me...*Sniff* im so ugly *Sniff* oh my god i froze so many pepole because i tought they were being rude with me...i was wrong...i was being rude for not understanding...*Sniff*

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