File 105 Genius Reader x Yandere Athena

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P.Fella:OK Goddess it is! again i need to choose between some so all the requests can fit anyway this one was imaginated by "@UniversalGenesis"ok there we go...

Kretas:Did i heard god?

P.Fella:No...get out!


[y]:Okay with those virus i calmly changed their genetic data we found a way to make them move on only cancer cells and destroy them! finding the cure of cancer....

Most minds got up from their chairs on the theater as i just finished an explanation about the cure of cancer they all started clapping for me i bowed and thanked them...

Cientist:Wow [y] you actually found a solution congrats!

[yl:yes..but there some questions i can't awnser...

Cientist:Like what?

[y]:What are dreams how feelings are explained? how cats don't die when they fall from great heights...what's the meaning of life?.....

Cientist:[y]... are you ok?

[y];l's just i made it here but i feel like i didn't acomplished anything in my life...

Cientist:But you did so much for science and medicine...

[y]:yes..but....i think i never payed attention to my life...

I left the stage and walked towards my high-tech car with the advanced AI...

Car:Hello's something matter? you seem a bit down...

[y]:I know it's just...I'm thinking things... this about your mother again?

[y] is...

Car:Don't worry im sure she's really proud of you...

[y]:Im not sure about that...can you drive me to the park? i need to rest my mind a bit...

Car;As you wish...

He drove to the park and i sat on one of the benches watching some kids play around...,some couples holding hands..something i never had or either felt it was love...

[y] told me i was gonna regret for doing were right.....

#Flashback# [yl's Age 6

I was coming back home after doing a test as always i got the best grades and i was proud of myself..i entered home and my mom greet me..

Mom:Hey my little was your test?

[y]:Good as always i got another A++

Mom:Wow my little genius doens't feel a bit....lonely sometimes? i mean all you do is sit on that chair and read books all day..

[y];Dad says is good...

Mom:but your dad is... like that....after all he's an inventor...

Dad;And you should keep studying [y]...there's no room for fun when you wann become a smart man like me...

Mom:But it's his childhood...he can't be like that he's gonna miss the best time of his life!

Dad;It is the best time to study! forget about feelings son... *Holds my face* only study can qet you whatever you want...

Mom: But it's his childhood...he can't be like that he's gonna miss the best time of his life!

Dad;It is the best time to study! forget about feelings son... *Holds my face* only study can get you whatever you want...

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