File 147 Male Reader x Yandere Toy Chica

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Rodri:Toy... Toy.. toy... Chica it a duck? Or a Chicken? I can't see the right answer....

-This Guy knows: @Risingsunslash


Life wasn't easy for [y] after getting fired from his 3rd Job For.. Sleeping on the job...

[y]:1 signed up for Matress Provider...I still confused why they fired me...

So now [y] now needed a job...and no better to find one then sit on the table Read the Journal and look for a job..

[y]:Okay so .. Hm.... There is a lot of choices around...

The boy kept looking and Scribbling the Ones he Didn't liked..

[y]:So... Let me see..oh this one sees promising...

He looked at the ad of a Local wasn't too far from his House...He used to go there when he was a kiddo...

[y]:They need a nightguard.... Damn Its okay...since i worked nightime at the Factory..

So he gave the place a call..


???;Hey there you called for the job?

[y]:Uh..yea! I..wanted to ask somethings about it..

???;Well okay then.

[y]:How much work hours?

???;It Starts on 12 To 6Am..

[y]:Hm seems barely nice.. There is any danger?

???;Pfft..unless you considering getting spooked a Danger..

[y] and the payment?

???;100.50...before the weekend..

[y]:Ooh thats Good...

The Boy was Thinking how he was gonna spend his money on the weekend with Food for the Anime Maratons...

???:So you in?

[y]:Of course when i start?

???; Tonight... You gonna meet the last Guard and he will give you your uniform..

[y]: Alright then...

He hanged up and Sat back at his chair..

[y]:So i have a job now?...i better go to sleep...

[y] was making his way to the Pizzaria on he reached the entrance he looked at the Big Jr's Sign on it....

[y]:Hm...Freddy Fazbear Pizzaria...the last time i Stepped on this place it was smaller...

-FlashBack- [yl's Age 6

I was with daddy on the New Restaurant it opened i was happy seeing a lot of Kids celebrating the Aniversary...

Dad:Yo [y]

[y]:Yea Daddy?

Dad:Im gonna go grab somestuff for us to Eat and you can play around in any game you like...

He handed me 10 bucks

[y]:Oh holy Toys ..Dad you sure you trust me this money?

He kneeled in front of me and placed a hand on my shoulder...

(imagine an Epic background forming behind them)

Dad:Son... You First 10 dollars are the most important in your life... You have to Protect it with your life...and spend it only where it brings you happiness!

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