JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Quest To The West

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Rodri: Okay, this is just a tryout ok? I'm gonna see if I'm good writing this as a Yandere Story, I just finished watching Part 4 so don't blame me of a stand I put in here is already being used. This is just a dystopian tale non related to anything.

But, it has some mentions.


Episode 1 - Modern Times in A Modern City

On the tower that scratches the clouds, rain falls as two figures clash at each other with all their might, the blood being washed away and down the giant spiral staircase.

???: I wished, things could end differently!

The first figure yelled as it knelt down in front of the second one, who grabbed it's hair and pulled it up to their face.

???: And it will, in my new world...

The second figure kissed the first one and a hole was punched into the first one's stomach the first figure's screams were muffled by the venomous kiss and the figure soon passed away...

???: And with your stand, I'll be able to create my world...

The second figure raised it's arms to the sky and yelled loudly enough for the whole world to hear.


Time Set: 7:30AM, Day 04/23/2021...

Reader: GASP! Shit...

Reader looked around his room while holding his head, he had a bit of a pressure drop for suddenly sitting up so he laid back down bed and stared at the ceiling for a while.

Reader: I had that dream again.

Diana: Reader! Step out the bed! You're gonna be late!

Reader looked at the alarm clock beside his bed and realised he slept through way pass his sleeping schedule.

Reader: AHH! She's right! I better get going!

He quickly hopped off the bed and ran across the house to get ready...

Diana: Did you brush your teeth?

Reader: Yes mom...

Diana: Did you fixed your outfit?

Reader: Yes mom..

Diana: Did you got your books?

Reader: Yes mom.

Diana: Did you get your lunch?

Reader: Mom I ain't in third grade. I'm going to a new school that's it.

Diana was holding her son's shirt by the door as they had a quick conversation before he left.

Diana: There's no age to be prepared for hunger.

Reader: I guess you're right.

Diana: I'm always right. Waait where's my goodbye kiss?

Reader: Aw come on are we really gonna do this right now? In front of the neighbors?

Diana: My goodbye kiss on the cheek, or you won't be leaving.

Reader: You wouldn't let me be late.

Diana: Want to test me?

Reader frowned for a moment before giving in to his mother's request and dashing out the front door. He tried to leap over the gate and tripped falling behind the fence.

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