File 33 Male Reader x Bennie Alice and the Ink Machine

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P.Fella:This one my Bro who's playing the game requested it so let's start! (I don't own the artwork)


[y]:F&ck you Joooeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy...*Thump*

I said as i just fell inside a hole...

[y]:Argh...Joey F%cker Drew...couldn't you payed for a repair man?...and why did you call me here anyway?

I was called here by my old friend Joey we worked at his animation studio...and i was the drawer that means i brought the carachters to life...i quitted the job after knowing that the place was faling and now 30 months later i recieve a leter from Joey telling that he want's to meet me...but until now all i saw was a weird as machine a walking poster of Bennie and a hole...

[y]:Now do i get out the here?...

I started walking around as the puddles of ink were everywhere...

[y]:Jeez is this had to do with that weird machine?...

I walked some more and found a record tape in a room

[y]:So Joey still in the old 80's huh..ok what do you say...

So i was wondering when i could be able to bring my cartoon to life like real real life...i am kinda off but i think i am working my co-workers to am i saying? im gonna find a way to bring her to life Bennie will live and we gonna get married and have kids oh my i think im gonna master-

[y];What the? not gonna listen to the end of that..what were he thinking?..he's crazio crazy!...Bennie...

Bennie was one of the carachters i made for Joey there was posters of her everywhere...there was 2 more Alice angel and Boris but i think he grew an obssession with Bennie..

[y]:I better get out the scared of what kind of magazines i can find here..

I walked some more until..i heard a voice behind me..

???;[y]? is that you?!

I turned around and i saw a living Bennie with her red dress and her tie over her head...


Bennie:[y]!!!! it's really you!!!

She ran at me and tackled me into a hug..

Bennie:Im so glad you're here...

[y]:Bennie how are you alive?

Bennie:The machine brought me to life!!

[y]:It was Joey who did it?

Bennie got an angry look and held my neck chocking me...

Bennie:Don't talk his name ever again!!!

[y]:Okay im...sorry!

She relased me and the air came back... get up let's go!

[y]:Go? where? the exit?

Bennie:No silly to our date!

[y]:Oh.....wait what? date? i don't remember us in a relationship...

Bennie:You don't?...

She looked down then back up smirking

Bennie:Then i need to remember you!

[y]:There's no need for that i remeber now!

She stopped and hugged me again

Bennie:Good i wouldn't want to ruin your beatiful face with ink...

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