Chapter 55.

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December 31st

      It was New Years Eve, and also the day that Delilah was coming home from her parents house, and so I was sat on my bed doodling in one of my many notebooks just waiting for her to arrive back. I had spent the previous night sleeping, exhausted from the excitement of going home and from the flight, although my cheeks heated at the remembrance that not much sleep occurred between those sheets. With a smile on my face recalling the events, I finished off sketching the mountain range that I was mindlessly drawing. 

 It was about an hour later, when I was laying down on my bed with my face buried in a book that the door swung open and Delilah walked in with the hugest smile on her face, dragging a suitcase behind her which she swiftly abandoned when closing the door. "Elle!" She basically burst my eardrums by screeching, and I barely got chance to sit up in bed before she had thrown herself onto me with her arms wrapped around my torso, holding my own arms down so I couldn't hug back. "I missed you so much, spending that much time with my family was... horrifying," she said with a shudder once she had yanked herself off of me and I chuckled, shaking my head.

 "Not a great time back?" I asked. Delilah had shared that she had some tense relationships back home but never really went into detail as of why, she had just mentioned it was something to do with her sexuality.

 She shrugged. "Mom referred to Maya as my 'friend' the whole time we were there, and gasped whenever we even held hands in front of her so y'know, not the best," she said, she was saying in a joking tone but I saw the glint of pain in her eyes. It must be difficult to know your mom didn't accept who you were.

 "That's awful," I said sympathetically, but she quickly brushed it off.

 "At least I had Maya," she said with a smile and then sat next to me on my bed. "What about you? How was Ace with your folks?" She asked.

 I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face and the light blush that crept onto my cheeks. "It was amazing, he was absolutely brilliant with my family and they loved him to pieces," I said, trying to control my giddiness.

 I saw the mischief behind her smirk. "So, anything of note happen?"

 I got off of my bed and walked over to my wardrobe so I could choose the dress I was wearing for the New Years party, it was also an attempt to avoid her question. "Maybe," I said nonchalantly, pulling out a simple purple dress I had in my wardrobe, showing it to her. "This?" I asked and she shook her head, silencing me.

 "You had sex?" She asked, digging deeper.

 I nodded, suppressing my massive grin. "On Christmas Day," I said and she emitted the loudest scream.

 "Thats so romantic. Mine and Maya's first time was in the back of her car," she said, looking as if her mind was wandering slightly and I couldn't help but laugh, it was so them.

 "Okay, so this dress?" I asked to try and change the subject, and her face immediately screwed up in disgust.

 "It's New Years, darling, you've gotta go all out. I told Maya to wear the glitteriest dress she has," she said and got up from my bed, going to her own wardrobe. I knew what this meant, though, I'd be lucky if I made it out of this room with any skin covered. If it was up to her, I'd be wearing nipple stickers and fishnets only.

 She rifled through her overly packed wardrobe, before she pulled out a matching spaghetti strap cropped vest and a mini-skirt which were absolutely dripping in golden sequins. "You're kidding," I said with a shocked expression. 

 She winked at me. "You'll look hot, I promise," she draped the outfit onto my bed and then went back to her wardrobe to grab her own outfit, which I'll give to her was just as daring, if not more than mine. It was a glittery silver dress that plunged at the chest, and had two large slits up each side so her underwear would definitely be on show if she wore any.

 Delilah and I decided to grab some dinner together in the on-site cafeteria, before we headed back to the room to get ready. Ace texted me that he'd pick us up at nine, and so we had just over two hours to prepare, which Delilah said we'd need with the make-up looks she was doing. I was basically her Barbie for the evening and let her cake my face with golden themed make-up and curl my hair until I looked like some sort of stripper, but it made her happy. 

 By the end of the transformation, I looked in the mirror and was stunned by what I saw, she was bloody brilliant at make-up. She had done an intricate dark and golden sparkle eye look with a cat-winged eyeliner, and some beautiful nude lips, with some glittery golden highlighter that made me look way tanner than I actually was. She was sporting a similar look to mine, but in silver, and her hair had been tightly braided whereas she had curled mine for me as she couldn't witness me burning myself anymore.

 I was strapping on my simple black heels when there was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Ace asked. Delilah rushed over to me with the back of her dress gaping open.

 "One second!" She shouted whilst I hurried to pull her zip up so she wouldn't be entirely naked in front of my boyfriend, as she had gone for the no-panties look with the daring dress. "You can come in now."

 The door opened and Ace walked in wearing some simple black ripped jeans and a deep red button-up shirt, the entirety of his arm and neck tattoos on show which basically made me drool. He looked at me and it was like some sort of cliche teen movie where he stopped, eyes wide, whilst his eyes dragged up and down my figure. "How did I get so lucky?" He finally spoke with a cheeky smile, his arms circling my waist so he could lean down and press his lips to mine. "You look beautiful," he whispered when he pulled away.

 "Hey, hey, Romeo! Don't ruin her lipstick, I spent ages on that face," Delilah said, swiftly slapping Ace on the arm until he let me go. After a few punches, he stepped back and I felt my heartbeat go semi back to normal.

 "Are you girls ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, waiting for Delilah to grab her clutch bag before she was also ready to leave. I walked over to him and threaded our fingers together, waiting until Delilah's back was turned so that I could get onto my tip-toes and kiss him. 

 "You look handsome too, Mr Grey," I said in a hushed tone and he looked down at me with a grin, pecking my lips before we walked out of the dorm door to catch up with Delilah. She hadn't realised we weren't there and so was chattering away like we were there, so we honestly had no idea what she was talking about. However, we never really did know what she was talking about ever so there wasn't much difference this time.

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