Chapter 53.

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*This chapter mentions suicide, self harm, depression and anxiety. If any of these are triggering for you, please do not read this chapter.* *If you do choose to read, please also read the authors note at the end of the chapter*

* *If you do choose to read, please also read the authors note at the end of the chapter*

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Wednesday 26th December 2018

         I left Ace to go upstairs by himself and wandered back into the living room where I lied through my teeth about him having a headache to my family, which they believed. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching a movie, and exchanging presents with my Gram, mom went upstairs to ask Ace if he wanted to join but she came back downstairs alone so I assumed he had declined.

 It was nearing late afternoon and my Gram was preparing to leave just as Ace came downstairs, obviously hearing that she was leaving. "Goodbye my babies," she said, giving each of us a long hug. When she got to me, her arms lingered around my body slightly longer. "I'll see you soon, baby. Take care of yourself, okay?" She said to me and I nodded.

 "I will, Gram. I love you," I told her, holding back tears because I knew this would be the last time I'd see her for a while.

 She pulled away from me and then pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I love you too, sweet pea, so much," she said and then moved to Ace, where she didn't warn him before tugging him into a bone-crushing hug which he endured with a brave face. "It was nice meeting you, boy. I hope you look after my granddaughter, she's very precious to us lot," Gram warned in a low tone and Ace nodded, glancing at me through the corner of his eye.

 "Of course I will," he forced a fake smile, which I could see was so clearly false but Gram seemed content with it. "It was nice meeting you too, Cynthia, I hope to see you again soon," he said smoothly and she grinned like a school child, holding onto his bicep a little too long.

 "You're making me blush!" She giggled and then moved away from him, collecting her things before opening the front door. "Goodbye all, thank you for a splendid dinner Lydia."

 "You're welcome," mom smiled and we all waved Gram off as she stepped outside and climbed into her car, roaring it to life before she disappeared down the road and out of sight.

 "M'gonna rest upstairs," Ace mumbled lowly and then headed upstairs, which nobody questioned as they assumed he was still suffering from a headache.

 "Maybe you should go and check on him, Elle?" My mother prompted me. "See if he wants some water or painkillers," she said to me and I nodded, heading for the stairs as everyone else went into the living room to continue watching Christmas movies and munching on deliciously bad food.

 Anxiety loomed in my chest as I reached my bedroom door and slowly pushed it open, immediately seeing Ace laying on my bed with his phone glued to his face. He looked up for a moment as I walked in, and then immediately went back to scrolling down his social media homepage. "I'm sorry for exploding at you back there," I said to him quietly, feeling my heartbeat in my mouth from how nervous I was.

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