Chapter 12.

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**edited 14/01/2021**

**edited 14/01/2021**

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Elle's POV

Friday 5th October 2018

        "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Carson snapped.

 Suddenly all eyes were on Carson and my eyes widened in shock. "Hey man, it was just a joke," Ace laughed nonchalantly, taking a long drink from his cup. 

 Carson brushed me off of his lap and I stood up in surprise, Carson then got to his feet. "And what the fuck was meant by it, asshole?" Carson snapped at Ace and I stepped forwards, placing my hand on Carson's chest in an attempt to calm him however he simply pushed it away. Ace chuckled and stood up, they were both sort of the same height but Ace was a lot more built and I prayed Carson didn't start a fight. He'd lose, badly.

 "Carson, that's enough," I said boldly to Carson who completely ignored me and got closer to Ace once again.

 "I asked what the fuck you meant by that?" He hissed.

 "It was a joke, you psychopath. Your girlfriend is fit, I was just playin'," he shook his head, I looked around the group to see everyone was just as frozen in shock as I was. Kit just didn't seem too bothered and Nina was smirking to herself, probably enjoying the drama.

 Carson shoved Ace's chest but he didn't even slightly tumble. "So what? You wanna fuck my girlfriend now?"

 "Don't be ridiculous, Carson. He's my friend and he made a joke, let it go," I tried to reason but it was literally no use. He acted as if I wasn't even there.

 A mischievous smirk spread across Ace's face. "You know what? Maybe I do wanna fuck her. Maybe I wanna show her what it's like to sleep with a real man," as soon as the words came out, Carson swung his fist towards Aces' face. I winced, ready for the impact but Ace grabbed his fist and twisted his hand back, making Carson bend over in pain. "Now you're fucked," Ace grinned wickedly. I was expecting him to be livid, but he was terrifyingly calm, with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

 "Ace please stop," I begged.

 "You know what, I don't care. She wouldn't fuck a repulsive cretin like you anyway," Carson spat out through the pain.

 "Carson stop!" I yelled.

 Ace finally let go of Carson's hand but barely gave him time to stand up before he threw the first punch at Carson's face. Carson fell back and immediately blood began to trickle down to his lips. "Wanna say that again, dickhead?" Ace spat, throwing another punch to Carson's face. At that point blood was pouring from his nose and it seemed his lip was split in the middle. 

 "Stop it, Ace! Someone make him stop!" I begged in hysterics, Kit went to stand and stop it but Ace raised his index finger.

 "You touch me, Kit, and I swear I will fucking kill you," he warned in a cold tone.

Ace - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now