Chapter 36.

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**edited 21/01/2021**

**edited 21/01/2021**

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Elle's POV

Friday 23rd November 2018

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?" Kit asked when he dropped me back at my dorm room door, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. He had taken me to an ice-skating ring and watched me fall on my ass several hundred times, and then took me for hot dogs and ice-cream, before walking me home. I had a great date, it was lovely to laugh and spend time with someone but it just wasn't the same as when I was with Ace.

"I think you told me a total of sixty times," I joked back, and then looked at my door to see there was a note stuck to it.

'I'm out tonight, tried texting but your phone is on your bed. don't wait up for me. love, lil xo'

"What's that?" Kit asked, trying to peak at the note. I folded it and popped it in my pocket.

"Just Delilah saying she won't be home," I said and he nodded, I looked back at the door and then to Kit. "Don't take this in the wrong way, okay? Do you want to come in?" I asked and his face immediately perked up in surprise, but then he composed himself and nodded calmly.

"I would love that," he said and I rolled my eyes, pushing open my dorm room door. When we stepped in, I flicked on the light and put my keys on the desk beside the door. I kicked off my shoes beside my bed and plopped my bag next to them, turning on my laptop.

"Fancy watching something on Netflix?" I asked. "I'm in the middle of watching the first episode of The Good Place," I told him and he nodded, kicking his shoes off beside mine.

He shrugged his jacket off and hung it on the back of my door, jumping onto my bed which made one of my teddies fall off. "Oops," he cringed and I laughed, shaking my head. I pressed play on The Good Place and then sat beside Kit, shuffling closer to him so that he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

We were only watching for ten minutes or so before Kit began chattering. "What is even happening in this show?" Kit whispered to me. "Why are there giant shrimp in the sky?" He asked.

I giggled into my hand. "Because Eleanor knows she doesn't belong there, she was mean the night before so the good place is glitching and all of her mean comments are coming to life." I explained the best I could.

"Belong where? Where is this set?" He asked and I laughed harder.

"Heaven!" I continued to look at the screen, but I was very aware of his eyes that were glued to the side of my face. "Why are you watching me? Watch the screen," I bashfully said, trying to hide my face.

"Or, I could watch you, watching the programme," he cheekily responded. I looked up at him to see he was still looking directly at me. "You are stunning, you know that right?"

"I mean, that's a bit vain if I said yes-"

"Take the compliment Elle," he laughed and I blushed red, nodding. "Just tell me if you want me to stop," he told me and then leaned closer to my face until his lips were brushing against mine. When I didn't tell him to stop, his lips moulded against mine and one of his hands dropped to my hip.

I kicked the laptop to the end of the bed and moved closer to him, allowing my lips to move freely against his as I moved one of my hands to the back of his neck. The whole time his tongue was lapping against mine, though, all I could think was this isn't right, something isn't right, this doesn't feel right.

I gasped when he took ahold of my hips and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him, before he reconnected our lips. I was extremely uncomfortable and unsure of what to do, and so I just placed my hands flat against his chest and continued to kiss him slowly. "God, Elle," he groaned between kisses, and my heart stopped in my chest when I felt the prominent bulge in his trousers pressing against my private region. I shuffled to move off of it, which somehow was misconstrued for grinding and he groaned into my mouth.

"Hey Delilah- woah," the sudden opening of the door and a voice interrupted us. I looked over in shock to see Ace frozen in spot, his eyes fixated on the spot where I was straddling Kit. I quickly jumped off of his lap and the bed as a whole, scrambling to my feet.

"Bit of privacy here mate?" Kit snapped, obviously annoyed that we had been interrupted. My heart was racing in my chest when Ace's eyes met mine and I was baffled at the emotion they held - he almost looked betrayed.


"I-I'm sorry," he croaked out, turning so that he could leave. The door closed and I wanted to shrink to the ground and cry, but instead I turned to Kit and gave him an awkward smile.

"That was awkward," I sighed and he agreed with a simple nod. "I'm sorry- this moment is totally ruined, I-"

"It's fine," Kit shuffled to the end of the bed and then stood up, taking my hands in his. "I think it's maybe best that I went. I'll call you," he said before pecking my lips. I smiled lightly, watching without any protests as he slipped his shoes on and walked out of my dorm. He gave me one last look before closing the door behind him.

I sighed and fell onto my bed, rubbing my hands over my face. Why? Why did I kiss him when I felt so uncomfortable? When I knew it didn't feel right? I just went along with it and made him think I was enjoying it. I scrambled for my phone and picked it up, shakily dialling Delilah's number. I was shaking from the whole experience of Ace walking in, my heart was going crazy in my ribcage.

"Hey doll, you okay?" She answered cheerily.

"Kit and I went on a date, we came back to the dorm and we were kissing, I was on him and it didn't feel right but I did it... I mean I wanted to get over Ace and kissing Kit felt like the right thing to do, but then Ace walked in looking for you and found us and I swear... I swear to God he looked upset and now I'm just really, really confused. I do't like Kit like he likes me but now he thinks I like him like he likes me and I don't know what to do," I rushed before I could even comprehend the words I was saying.

"Woah," Maya said from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, babe. You're on speaker with Maya and I," Delilah laughed nervously. "Okay... So lets just digest this and think about it. You kissed Kit, but why?"

"Because... I thought I needed to so I could get over Ace, but it just felt so wrong," I admitted, collapsing on my bed.

"And what does that tell you?" She asked.

"That I don't like Kit?" I suggested and she groaned.

"You like Ace Sweetie," Maya said sweetly before Delilah could call me a dumbass or something. "You kissed Kit because you knew you had feelings for Ace, but you're worried he doesn't feel the same way because he doesn't ever let anyone in. You think he might like you though, so you've not closed the door completely on trying to get him."

"That's my girl," Delilah cheered.

I nodded and sighed. "You're right... I need to stop this with Kit, it's not fair. I have feelings for Ace," I told them. "Shoot, I have feelings for Ace."

"Yeah, honey that's not good," Delilah said honestly and I rolled my eyes, thanks a bunch. "Call us if you need anymore helpful advice, love ya!"

"Bye, love ya," I grumbled as the line went dead. She was honestly no help.

I couldn't think any more about the situation, and so I got changed, packed my laptop away and got into bed. I looked at my phone, secretly hoping that Ace had called or texted but nothing was there and so I tucked myself in and allowed sleep to take over.

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