Chapter 13.

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(love skins so had to use this, was perfect ;-;)

**edited 14/01/2021**

**edited 14/01/2021**

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Elle's POV

Saturday 6th October 2018

         I groaned in pain as I woke up Saturday morning, my hand immediately flying to my nose which was at the centre of the throbbing. I sat up in bed and looked at myself in the camera on my phone, gasping when I saw the bruising below my left eye and the dried blood underneath my nose. "Jesus Christ," I whispered to myself.

 I looked over to the other side of the room and saw Delilah fast asleep in her bed, and then on the floor beside my bed was Ace curled up with a thin blanket and a pillow below his head. I smiled to myself at how harmless he looked when he was fast asleep, he looked like a cute little puppy.

 "Stop staring at me, it's weird," Ace mumbled with his eyes still closed.

 "I was just wondering why you were asleep on my floor," I replied quickly but nothing could hide the crimson colour that shaded my cheeks. 

 He sat up, cracking his neck. "I stayed to make sure you were okay, you lost a lot of blood," his voice was deeper and hoarser than normal which had an affect on my erratic heartbeat. It was then I realised he was topless and only had some boxers on. 

 "Well I'm fine," I said, grabbing a make-up wipe from my nightstand to wipe the blood off. 

 He cringed when he looked at my face. "Jesus, are you sure? That looks like it hurts."

 "Is that you're way of saying I look awful?" I chuckled, wincing at the pain that shot through my face as I started cleaning the blood. 

 He shook his head. "Somehow you even make bruises look beautiful," he breezily smirked and I rolled my eyes.

 "Can't even stop mocking me when I'm on my death bed? I'm offended," I smiled as I reached over to my beside table again, this time grabbing my phone. When I unlocked it I saw I had twenty text messaged from Carson and five voicemails, last night Delilah had thrown all of this things into the corridor so I didn't have to see him at all and then she switched my phone off so he couldn't call.

 "What's wrong?" Ace asked.

 "Nothing," I said, calling my voicemail. I held the phone to my ear and waited for the first message to play.

 "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what came over me last night, I should have never started that fight with Ace but when he said those things about you- you know what it doesn't even matter. I should never have done that, and you should never have gotten hurt. I'm so, so sorry," his voice stopped suddenly and before I could even get to the next voicemail, I ripped the phone from my ear and hung up.

"You're not gonna forgive him, are you?" Ace asked and I shrugged.

 "I don't know, it was an accident but-"

 "I don't care if it was an accident or whatever, he hit you Elle. If he had never started that stupid fight in the first place then you wouldn't be here right now with a fucked up nose," he told me with a clenched jaw. I nodded, I knew he was right but some part of me wasn't ready to give up with Carson and I's relationship.

 "I know," I said before placing my phone down, I didn't want to hear anything from him for the moment.

 "Morning kids," Delilah grumbled from the other side of the room. "How are you, Elle?" She asked.

 "Sore but better," I smiled. "I just wanted to thank you both for looking after me last night, you shouldn't have to deal with my relationship drama."

 Delilah shrugged. "We don't have to, we want to. We all care about you, Elle," she said with a grin and I smiled, looking down at Ace who had averted his eyes to get away from an awkward conversation about feelings. Such a boy.

 I got out of bed and stepped around Ace. "Well I'm not going to mope around in bed anymore, I am going to get cleaned up and out of last nights dress. I have stuff to do today," I said as I grabbed some jeans and a top from my wardrobe. When I turned around Ace was pulling on his jeans before getting his shirt on. 

 "What are you doing today?" Delilah asked, forcing herself out of bed also.

 "Well I planned to get a car today, I don't want that to change because of what happened," I shrugged. "I need to get my mind off of it anyway."

 Delilah nodded. "Want me to come with?" She asked and I shook my head. 

 "It's fine, I already know what car I want. I just need to see it before I buy it," I explained.

 "No way, if a car salesman sees a young girl by themselves they will rip you off," he shook his head. "I'll drive you and help you get a car," he insisited and I sighed.

 "I don't want to disturb your day, you've already done enough-"

 "Stop," Ace rolled his eyes, sitting down on my bed. "I had nothing planned today, we can go as soon as you're ready." This time I didn't bother fighting, instead I just agreed and then took myself down to the communal showers where I cleaned myself up and then got new clothes on. I brushed my teeth and hair, put on deodorant and then finally dried my hair.

 When I returned to the dorm, I packed away my things and then grabbed my handbag. "Where's Delilah?" I asked, realising she had gone.

 "Maya texted, she's gone to meet her. You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

 "Thanks for doing this," I smiled, following Ace as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind us. 

 "It's no problem," he seemed awkward, like he wanted to say something but couldn't. "Look, Elle. I wanted to say I was sorry for what I said last week. It was shitty."

 I shrugged. "It's fine, we all have bad days," once I said that a smile spread out on his face like he was worried I wouldn't accept his apology. "First we're headed to Sunshine Auto's," I said as I looked at the plan I had made on my phone.

 "What car are you looking for?" He asked as we walked out of the dorm block, headed for where his car was parked in the parking lot nearby. 

 "I looked at a few but came up with either a Toyota Aygo or a Fiat 500," I said. I had a decent amount of money left from when I sold my car back in Portland which meant I was searching for a good car, I didn't want to risk breaking down.

 He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Such a typical white girl car," he snorted, opening the passengers side door as we reached his car. I thanked him quietly.

 "It is not!" I argued, sliding into the passengers seat.

 He slammed the door behind me and then got into the drivers seat. "They are both such girly cars."

 I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck out my bottom lip, mocking anger. "I am offended," I huffed which just made his laughs louder.

 "You are really something special, Elle," his laughter died down soon and we headed off to the first auto body shop, my cheeks stained bright red from embarrassment. 

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