Chapter 30.

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**edited 19/01/2021**

**edited 19/01/2021**

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Elle's POV

Monday 5th November 2018

         The sound of some moving around woke me up the next morning, I fluttered my eyes open and looked over to the door to see Ace walk into the room. He was fully dressed and drying his hair with a towel. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked casually, not looking me fully in the eye.

 I shook my head. "No, it's fine. What time is it?" I asked.

 "Nine," he told me and I nodded. I luckily didn't have a class that day due to it being cancelled and so I didn't panic about being late, instead I sat up in bed and watched Ace push his half-wet hair back. "Anyway, I'm heading out. Take your time though, I'll leave you a key to lock up-"

 "You're leaving?" I asked, shocked.

 He nodded. "I have some things to do today."

 I tried to meet his eye but he could not for the life of him look me straight in the eye. "Are we not gonna talk about what happened last night?" I asked, holding the covers over my nude body as I got out of the bed to grab my clothes that were strewn across the floor. I pulled on some panties, shorts and then my vest. 

 "Look, Elle, I really have to go. Just don't look too much into what happened," he brushed me off and walked to his dresser, where he grabbed a jacket and shrugged it on.

 "No," I shook my head, bewildered at how he was acting. "You don't get to treat me like this. You were the one who called me drunk last night, heartbroken thinking that Kit had kissed me and touched me. You told me you were mad because I was yours, and he shouldn't be kissing me, you should. I can't forget that you said all of that!" I argued, walking over to him. Finally, he looked down at me with a cold, expressionless look.

 "I was drunk, I didn't mean a thing that I said," he said blandly and I felt my heart shatter in my chest. I clenched my teeth together and shook my head.

 "Fuck you, Ace," I spat at him, grabbing my phone and car keys from the bedside table. "You don't get to do that to me! I'm not one of your playthings. You don't get to play with my feelings like this, you asshole! You brought me here and we shared the most intimate night together that I've ever spent with another person, and then you tell me it was all a lie?" I laugh, shaking my head. 

 "Elle, stop overreacting," he sighed, pushing his hand through his damp hair.

 "No, you stop being a dick! You told me when Carson was fucking me around that I didn't deserve that, and you were right. But now you're doing the exact same thing!" I spat at him and he looked away. "Don't call me again, asshole." I didn't wait to hear what he was going to say back and instead I marched into his living room, shoved my shoes back onto my feet and then raced out of his apartment.

 I ducked my head down and looked at the ground in shame as I rushed down the stairs, hot tears sliding down my cheeks. I burst out of the apartment blocks front door and headed straight for my car. I could not believe that asshole, he thought he could treat me like that and I'd just accept it? Douchebag.

 I slid into the front seat of my car and started it up, backing it out of my parking space. Once I had reversed out of the spot and turned my car around to leave, I looked up and saw Ace stood at the entrance of the building, looking straight at my car. I wiped away the tears that were staining my cheeks and pressed my foot down on the acceleration, whisking out of the parking lot and away from him. 

 I got back to the dorms only ten or so minutes later and walked through the front door to find Delilah laying in bed still. She looked up from watching what was on her laptop to see me walk in, she flashed a smile. "Was Ace okay?" She asked and I wordlessly nodded. "What's up?" She asked and I shrugged.

 "Nothing," I lied and kicked my shoes off. "I got there, he was drunk. I let him into his apartment, got him some water and put him to bed. I slept on the sofa and left him some painkillers when I left for when he finally dragged himself out of bed," I continued to string off a load of lies to her. I felt bad lying but I didn't want to admit the shameful truth that I had fallen for Ace's charms and been used.

 "You're such a good friend, I'd never go to his house at three in the morning to let his drunk ass back into his apartment," she tiredly smiled. I nodded and slid into my bed, lying on my side to face Delilah who was still looking over at me. "I spoke to Kit," she smiled gently.


 "He told me he kissed you," she sung and I rolled my eyes. "Did you kiss him back?" She asked.

 I nodded my head. "Before I knew what was happening, it was over. I wasn't expecting it at all, and I still have no idea what to think about it."

 "If it helps he seemed pretty chilled about it, I think he genuinely wants you to take your time, think it over and then let him know how you feel. He understands you've just gotten out of a relationship, so he's gonna give you space," she explained and I smiled, happy with how sweet he was. 

 "What is wrong with me?" I groaned and threw myself back into my bed. "He's so lovely, I should adore him! I shouldn't have to think about it, but..."

 "But you're falling for someone else?" She asked and I shot up to look at her. "What? Think I didn't notice? Hun, you went to his house at three in the morning, I heard what he said on the phone. He was upset when Kit told him that you'd kissed," she shrugged. 

 "Kit told him?" I asked.

 "Yeah, they're best friends," she replied. "I don't know what to tell you about Ace, he's bad news. He's a great guy and will protect his friends and family until the end, but he's not the type to get in a relationship with. You'll just end up hurt. I've seen it so many times before," she admitted.

 "I think I need to go on a date with Kit, try to forget Ace even exists," I concluded and she squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

 "You so should!" She cheered and I giggled, nodding in agreement.

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