Chapter 56.

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31st December

        Delilah, Ace and I walked into the frat house together and immediately I was deafened by the sound of pulsing bass music. "Do you want a drink?" Ace yelled over the music to both Delilah and I.

 "Ooh, yeah, get me a Vodka Cola. I'm going to find the others," Delilah shouted back to him, and then winked at me before she began shoving through the crowds of teenagers to find our group of friends. I was looking around the room at the various people dancing and noticed that Delilah was correct, every girl in here was dressed in sheer glitter and sequins like it was some sort of dress code, and the ones that weren't stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of people.

 "Elle, did you hear me?" Ace asked and I snapped back into reality, looking up at him with a confused expression on my face. "Would you like a drink?"

 "Uh, sure. I'll come with you," I said, gladly accepting when he took my hand firmly in his and aided me to get through the dancing crowd by shoving people out of his way as we went through. I was holding his hand whilst my free hand also grabbed onto his bicep so I stayed close to him.

 We soon reached the large kitchen which was also filled with people who were just chatting, dancing and swaying to the music. Ace and I walked over to the countertop that was littered with various different bottles of alcohol. "What do you want?" He asked and I shrugged.

 "A Vodka lemonade would be great please," I said, just wanting a simple drink. Ace began making three drinks, one for me, one for Delilah, and one for himself. I noticed he was just pouring Cola into his cup and I quirked my brow at him. "Not drinking?" I asked.

 He shook his head. "I think I should probably remain clear minded, make sure you're okay tonight," he said seriously and my heart warmed a little, but I adamantly shook my head.

 "It's not your job to take care of me, I'm fine. Drink if you want to," I said, and he looked at me for a few moments, very clearly weighing up his options. "Seriously, it's your New Years too," I urged, knowing he'd want to let loose too. He sighed and nodded, pouring a small amount of Vodka into his cup. 

 "C'mon you," he said, handing me my cup. "And people say I'm the bad influence in this relationship," he winked and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips before I sipped my drink. Luckily it was Ace that had prepared this drink for me, not Delilah, and so I was able to drink it without wincing in horror at how strong it was. "Everyone else is probably in the common room," he said, it was basically the living room of a frat house where people gathered to play games. 

 Ace's hands were both full this time from holding two drinks, and so he got me to hold onto his arm as we walked back through the crowd together to get to the slightly quieter common room. Maya let out a similar squeal to what Delilah had let out the day before when she saw me, and soon enough a pair of arms engulfed me into a hug. "You look hot as hell. How was your Christmas?" She asked when she let me go. She was dressed in a black dress that glittered whenever the light hit it, honestly it looked amazing on her.

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