Chapter 21.

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**edited 15/01/2021**

**edited 15/01/2021**

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Elle's POV

Friday 19th October 2018

         It was late by the time I was walking off campus, the sun had set and darkness loomed in the sky, I stayed back because I knew Ace was at the dorms with Delilah and I didn't really want to see him. I had avoided him like the plague since what happened in his car.

 I pulled my bag further up and onto my shoulder, looking at my phone to see it was nearing nine o'clock at night. I passed a bustling frat party on the way, cringing at couples making out in the front yard and creepy guys staring at me. 

 An odd feeling came over me and so I fastened my pace and tried to ignore people around me as I got closer to the dorms. I turned my head slightly when I heard steps behind me but didn't see anything so just assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me. I took a few more steps and heard the same noise, so I looked over my shoulder and this time saw two dark shadows following me. 

 Immediately my pace got even faster and I nearly broke out into a sprint but didn't have a chance before someone grabbed me by my shoulder and I gasped in shock. I opened my mouth to let out the loudest scream that I could muster but a hand was placed over my mouth and I was pulled around the corner into a small dip in a wall, hiding us away from people in the frat party.

 "If you scream, I'll break your neck," the voice was cold and chilling, I whimpered in response. My whole body was shaking and trembling, and I was fighting to hold back tears when the hand was pulled away from my mouth

 "She's a pretty one, are you sure we can't have any fun?" One of the guys said, stroking a hand softly on my cheek but I moved my head to one side so he couldn't touch me. One of them had blond hair and piercing blue eyes, the other had black hair and nearly black eyes.

 The black haired one shook his head. "You touch her and the plan is ruined," he reminded the blond, then he looked me up and down. "Though I'm tempted."

 "What do you want? I don't have any money," I whispered in fear, my bottom lip trembling.

 "Oh Darlin' we don't want your money, we want revenge," the blond one smirked, his voice and words sending chills down my spine.

 "Revenge? What did I do?" I asked, gulping back the tears that threatened to spill. "I don't even know you."

 "You did nothing, Elena Matthews, but your pretty little boyfriend did. We want you to deliver a message to him," the dark haired one smirked.

 "My boyfriend? What did Carson do?" I asked weakly, trying to rack my brain of what he could have possibly done to piss someone off so much that they'd want to hurt me.

 "Who the fuck is Carson?" The blond one rolled his eyes. "You didn't peg me as a whore, we were talking about Ace Grey."

 "Ace isn't my boyfriend," I said quickly, shaking my head.

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