Chapter 03.

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Elle's POV

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Elle's POV

Saturday 15th September 2018

 "God, Lil, you dressed the girl like a whore," Ace commented as we slid into his car. I got into the front and Delilah got into the back, I looked down at my outfit and shrugged, he was probably just trying to get to me.

 "Zip it and drive, asshole," Lila snapped at him before I could get a word out, I smiled at how she stood up for me already. "I think you look beautiful, Elle," she added at the end before sending me a flirtatious wink.

 "Oh keep it in your pants, Lil. You'll scare the girl," Ace smirked as he put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot.

 The drive there was filled with chatter from Delilah and Ace, he was boasting about how he had just 'scored' with 'the girl with the back tattoo' and Delilah gave him a high five. Their friendship was really weird. "So, are you sure you want to go to a party Elle? There's gonna be drinking and drugs," he warned with a teasing tone in his voice.

 "I'm a big girl, Ace. I'm not five," I retorted and he raised one of his eyebrows, hiding a smirk under his hand. He ran his thumb over his bottom lip as he nodded.

 "Mhm, so how many parties have you been to exactly? Seeing as you're a big girl?" He asked, pulling into a parking space near a massive white building with the sign "Alpha Phi" on the front.

 I rolled my eyes, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Just because I don't party every weekend doesn't mean I'm not an adult.:

 Ace snorted and laughed, earning a swift slap from Delilah who shot him a glare. "You'll love it, Elle. We will get you a drink and you'll be so buzzed you won't even realise we have shit company," she smiled, shooting a look at Ace. It was my turn to giggle.

 Once we had stopped bickering, we got out of the car and started walking towards the thriving Alpha Phi house. The music was pounding, shaking the floor and flooding my hearing which meant I couldn't hear when Delilah said she was going to get me a drink. She started walking off and so I rushed after her.

 Delilah handed me a glass and I looked down at it, inspecting what it could be before I drank it, screwing my face up in disgust as soon as it was in my mouth. I wasn't going to lie, I had drank before back at home, but nothing that tasted as gross as that.

 "That was gross!" I coughed, looking down at the drink. "What is this?"

"It's Vodka and Lemonade," she chuckled. "I just might have put in three shots," she shrugged and then linked our arms together. "Follow us, we're going to find our friends," she said. Ace went first and pushed through the crowds so that people parted for Delilah and myself coming through.

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