Chapter 28.

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Elle's POV

Sunday 4th November 2018

         After our dinner, we said our goodbye's to Delilah, Ace and James and then we drove back to the dorms. Kit offered to walk me to the dorm so he knew I got there safely and I agreed. We walked most of the way in a comfortable silence, finally breaking this quiet when we reached my door and I unlocked the door.

 "Elle?" Kit said just as I opened the door, I stepped in slightly and looked at him.

 "Kit?" I retorted lightheartedly with a small smile. 

 He stepped forwards and placed his hand on my hip, dipping his head down to press his lips against mine. I was shocked for a moment, but found my lips moving against his too. The kiss was brief, but it still happened, and when he pulled away I was gobsmacked. "Was that okay? That I did that?" He said quietly, his voice coming out as barely a whisper.

 "I-I don't know," I said slowly. I had a feeling I liked Ace, but I also knew it wasn't going to go anywhere because of his 'no dating' rule. That didn't mean I liked Kit, however. "I didn't think you saw me in that way," I continued.

 "Really? I think I've made it quite obvious," he grinned and I shrugged.

 "I don't know," I repeated once again. "I have never thought about us in that way. You sleep with every girl that moves, you know I'm not that kind've person right?" I asked and he nodded.

 "Yeah, I know. I don't wanna rush you, I just wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I hadn't of told you," he pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and then stepped back. "I don't need an answer now, just call me whenever you're ready. Yeah?"

 I speechlessly nodded, holding onto the doorframe for support. "Yeah," I choked out.

 "Talk later, Elle," he said before turning and walking down the hallway. I watched him until he was out of sight and then I closed the door, my mind swirling in confusion. 

. . .

   I was rudely pulled out of my dreamless sleep by a loud ringing in the room, Delilah stirred in her bed and soon woke up as well. "What is that?" She grumbled, I felt around my beside table and flicked the lamp on beside me. "It's three in the morning, Elle, that better not be one of your fucking alarms," she whined.

 I grabbed my phone and looked at it, shocked at the name 'Ace' flashing on the screen. "It's Ace," I mumbled and she looked over in confusion as I answered it, holding the phone to my ear. "Ace, are you okay?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, kicking my legs over the side of the bed so I could sit up.

 "Did you kiss him back?" Ace's drunken slurred voice said through the phone, I threaded my eyebrows together in confusion.

 "What are you talking about?" I mumbled sleepily, I had never heard or seen Ace drunk before and so this was a little shocking for me.

 "He kissed you when he walked you to your door, did you kiss him back?" His voice held strong emotions, it seemed like anger, sadness and betrayal all mixed together. "Did you let him touch you like I touched you?" His voice came out low and my heart nearly shattered in my chest. 

 "Ace, where are you? You're drunk," I sighed, not wanting to answer any of his questions when he was this upset. He didn't need to know that Kit kissed me, or that I kissed him back.

 He hiccupped. "M'home, well nearly. Can't find my keys," he chuckled. "I'm sat outside in the corridor."


 "What the fuck you looking at, Mrs Higgins?" He cut me off, obviously talking to his neighbour that has probably caught him drunk as a skunk sat in his corridor. I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked over to Delilah.

 "Do you have a key to Ace's apartment?" I asked and she nodded, leaning over her bed to her bag. She tiredly scrambled through it until she pulled out a silver key and threw it at me, it landed on my bed and I picked it up, climbing out of my bed. "Ace, you still there?" I said, pressing the phone back up against my ear.

 "Yeah, that bitch finally went back into her own house. Threatened to call the police on me, she can't do shit when this is my apartment block too!" He shouted the last bit and I sighed, slipping some shoes on my feet. I was very aware that I was only wearing some flannel shorts and a vest top, and that it was in the minus degrees outside but I needed to get to him quickly.

 "I'll be ten minutes, don't get into any trouble before I get there," I said. Before he could argue about me coming over, I hung up the phone and grabbed my car keys.

 "Is he okay?" Delilah asked, clearly confused and tired.

 "Yeah, he's just drunk and locked out of his apartment. I'll be back soon, go to sleep," I smiled and she nodded lazily, lying her head back on her pillow. I rushed out of the dorm room and down the stairs, heading straight for my car. Freezing air whipped around me and brought goosebumps up all over my body, but that seemed to calm when I got into my car and turned the heating on.

 The whole drive to Ace's house my mind was wandering, thinking about everything that could have happened to put him in that mood. However I didn't have much time to think as soon enough I was pulling into the parking lot of his building, parking terribly in the parking space beside his car. I jumped out of the car and locked it, before sprinting to the building.

 I didn't bother with the elevator and instead began jogging up the stairs, not stopping until I was on his floor. I turned to walk down his corridor, my heart dropping when I saw him sat with his back against the wall and his knees brought to his chest. When he saw me he quickly rose from his spot and his eyes ran up and down my body, like he wasn't believing that I was actually there. "Are you okay?" I rushed as I got closer to him.

 "M'fine," he mumbled. "Why are you here? You must be freezing," he said, running his hands up and down my bare arms. 

 "You are drunk and locked out of your apartment, it's the least I could do," I moved past him and pressed the key into the lock, opening his door for him. I stepped inside his apartment and he followed me closely, closing the door behind him. "Why did you get drunk?" I asked seriously, turning around so I could look at him.

 "Why did you kiss him?" Ace replied coldly.

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