*Chapter 45.

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**edited 21/01/2021**

**edited 21/01/2021**

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Thursday 22nd December 2018

         I was exhausted mentally and physically. 

 Ace had walked into our bedroom early in the morning after showering, panicking that he had completely forgotten to get my family Christmas presents in the stress of meeting them. I had reassured him it was okay and they didn't expect anything from him, but he had demanded that he needed to get them something for allowing him to spend Christmas with them. Therefore I had spent the day dragging myself through our local shopping mall, dodging and weaving through hundreds of last-minute Christmas shoppers.

 After four hours of endless shopping and a lot of stress, Ace had gotten everyone a Christmas present and we were allowed to leave. I remembered walking back into the house and collapsing on the couch, demanding that Ace got me a cup of coffee after what he had just put me through.

 That was the whole reason I didn't go last-minute shopping, it was absolute mayhem. I saw the panic in people's eyes as they scrambled to find their loved ones the perfect gift for Christmas, and I never wished to feel that fear. I liked to get my shopping out of the way at the end of November when the Christmas lights have just started to twinkle in the malls, but the shops are just quiet enough to the point I'm not overly stressed. This year sadly I had to go mid-December because Delilah wasn't as organised as myself and we wanted to go together, but that was my usual timetable.

 I had also managed to sneak Ace's present in the house today, I had planned to do it in the morning but after Ace's surprise shopping trip, I had to do it early afternoon when we got home. I lied to Ace and said I was going to get some 'girl stuff' from the store, when I was actually going to a nearby store to pick up a second-hand acoustic guitar that I'd chosen for him. I had almost murdered my mother when I walked in the house with the guitar and heard her in the kitchen with Ace, showing him pictures of me as a baby.

 However, she helped me hide the present well. I slipped the guitar under my bed and hid it with bags so he couldn't see it and then saved him from my mother showing him pictures of me as a baby covered in ice-cream or butt naked in the bath. God, she was embarrassing.

 "Are you okay baby, tired?" Ace mumbled into my ear. It was now the evening and all of us had settled into the living room to watch a Christmas movie after mom made us a nice homemade spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Ace and I were sat on a two-seater couch alone, his arm draped lazily over my waist as I rested my head against his chest with a deliciously soft blanked snuggled over our legs to keep us warm.

 I looked up at Ace and shook my head. "A little bit, but I'm alright."

 A wicked smirk lifted onto Ace's lips and I saw a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he leaned in and said the next words into my ear so my family couldn't hear. "Maybe we could pretend you are anyway, then I can take you upstairs and show you how grateful I am for you helping me today." His words sent shivers down my spine and tingles to my toes.

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