Chapter 01.

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long but necessary chapter - promise they'll be more interesting soon. Gif of Elle played by Danielle Campbell below, enjoy :)

 Gif of Elle played by Danielle Campbell below, enjoy :)

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Elle's POV

Saturday 15th September 2018

 The bright sun rays leaking through my open window woke me up early Saturday morning, I stretched out my limbs and sat up in my bed to look at my digital clock. 07:14 am. I groaned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, remembering that today was the day I packed up all of my things and moved from dreary Portland, Oregon to sunny LA, California.

 You'd thing this change would arouse excitement of some sort but instead all I felt was dread. Leaving my friends, boyfriend and family to start college somewhere I didn't know at all was horrifying to me, but UCLA was my dream college from when I was only a little girl. "Elena!" My mother's shrill voice called up the stairs to me. "Come on doll, we're packing the van already!"

 I forced myself to climb out of bed, allowing my eyes to scan my bedroom for the last time in a long time. "I'll be right down!" I called back to her before walking into my bathroom to get showered and changed. I chose some simple ripped jeans and a jumper that had Alice from Alice in Wonderland on it, and then I dragged a brush through my brunette hair, leaving it to sit in waves past my shoulders.

 Once I had gotten myself cleaned up and dressed into my outfit, I sprayed on some deodorant and perfume, brushed my teeth and hair and then applied some light make up. "What is taking you so long, Elle?" My mom stressed, bursting into the bathroom as I was shrugging on my cardigan. "Your flight is in four hours, Pumpkin. We have a long drive there too, we need to get a wriggle on," she reminded me and I nodded quickly, deciding not to argue that the drive was only thirty minutes long.

 "I'm coming, I'll be right down I promise," I assured her. She nodded and then rushed back out of my room and downstairs, probably to fret about something else.

 You'd think from how she is today that my mother was a control freak, but she really wasn't normally. She wanted the best for her children always, and she did the most amazing job at raising us three. She was genuinely my best friend. Today was just a stressful day for her as she lost yet another one of her children from her home.

 I walked out into my bedroom again and saw my eldest brother, Sawyer, picking up the last bag from my room. My mother had paid extra so I could take three bags onto the flight and I was grateful seeing as I had tonnes of clothes, books and ornaments to go with me. "Come on Elle, you're taking forever," Sawyer whined before exiting my bedroom. I had two siblings, my brother Harley was the youngest sibling at fifteen, I was the middle child at eighteen, and Sawyer was the oldest at age twenty-three.

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