Chapter 54.

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**Sorry for the longest break ever! I have recently bought a new house, completely redone it and gotten a new dog so it's been hectic.**


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29th December

         It had been a couple of days since Ace and I had spoken about what happened to me in the past and I was ecstatic to say he hadn't treated me any differently. We had woken up the next day and he kissed me on the forehead, simply asking what I wanted for breakfast and hadn't brought it up since like I had asked him not to. 

 The last couple of days had just been spent spending time with my family before we left, but it was the day Ace and I flew back home ready for New Years and my mother wasn't taking it okay. We had woken up in the morning and she had thrown herself into my arms, holding onto me for at least five minutes before she finally let me get my cereal.

 We were going to stay until New Years, but Delilah had told us before we left that she wanted to spend New Years with the whole group at some party that was being thrown in a frat house down and so we had agreed. It would be nice to see all of our friends again too, so I didn't mind, but I forgot how difficult it would be to leave my family.

 I had said my goodbye's to Cady and Sawyer the day before, as they'd also gone back to their own house, but it was still difficult to have to say goodbye to mom and Harley. "Have you packed everything?" Ace asked me from my bedroom door, and I looked up to see he was leaned against the frame, watching me try to squeeze all my clothes plus my new Christmas presents into my small carry-on luggage. Who thought this was a good idea? Oh yeah, me.

 I huffed, and let go of my bag which spilled open once again. "Not quite," I said, crossing my arms over my chest to look at the bag again. 

 Ace let out a laugh and walked over to the bag which I had given up with. "Let me try, is this everything?" He asked, and I watched in horror as he effortlessly pushed everything down in the bag and zipped it closed.

 "Uh, yeah, that's everything thanks," I said, slightly embarrassed he had made that look so easy.

 "Okay, ready?" He asked, standing up with my bag in his hand and heading to my bedroom door to leave.

 I took a second to look around my bedroom one last time, I knew I would be back at least at Summer but that was months away. I didn't know if I'd be able to come back any earlier than that with school taking up so much of my time, and so I needed to drink in the look of my room a little more before I nodded. "Ready," I said and followed him out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me. He carried the case downstairs and straight out of the door where he packed it into my mom's car, whereas I immediately walked over to mom who had tears glassing her eyes.

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